kad & global gathering(with pics)

waking up in the morning i had a bad feeling that the day was going to be crap.

the checklist.

tickets - check
showered - check
money - check
scarf - check
umbrella - check

what?! scarf and umbrella??

yes that is right, when i woke up it was hailing...... the city that is (and has been) in a drought for like 5 years, the weather is hailing, WINDY and raining.

The aim of the day was to head to the main stage and get undercover.

anyways, i go to the city in the cold weather i finally meet my girlfriend and what's this, we have to go to the shops first to look at some shoes. -_-

after lunch we head to the venue, we arrive only 2 hours late, but in time to see Australia Dirty South. he was alright, played some good songs.

following the man from the south was the cat himself, Felix da housecat. He was alright, some good songs, but i swear he is here for EVERY event, kind of sick of him TBH, nothing special.

After this was the great man himself, United Kingdom Sasha. he played a set, was very progressive based, was very good, very basey, however, i don't know wasn't really the right atmosphere. as the venue was DEADDDD, on the hill that is usually packed was empty, though i admit the undercover part was pretty packed, so wasn't that bad.

after this, mark ronson and a live band came on, we stayed for a little bit, but left as the weather had cleared up.

now this is the part that made pretty much everyone GRRRRRRRRRRRR

on the a side stage, with fucking CRAP sound, like my house entertainment system produces better quality sound. they had ATB and followed by Above and Beyond playing.

so we headed there, to check it out, it was PACKED, a tiny little area, PACKED. ATB was playing, could have been good i don't know, could only hear bass and nothing else, bearing in mind i was only a good 20m from the stage itself.

Above and Beyond came on, the sound was so bad that we ended up leaving as it was boring.

at this time it was about 7, we got some food and headed to another side stage, at least this one had better sound. i don't know who was playing but there last song (ironically but probably for a joke) was I'm singing in the rain. i lOL'D.

in 2 hours, gorillaz sound system was about to play, for this was mainly the reason i wanted to come. however down came the rain, IT PISSED DOWN we cried and called it a day.

As it turned out, some guy from Germany kraftwerks had a heart problem and got rushed to hospital, so they canceled and gorillaz got moved to main stage, however they where really bad so i didn't miss out on much.

me at the start, all happy nnEHeheh
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My girlfriend got bored and kept herself amused (and warm i guess)
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and to finish, arn't we just the romantic couple?
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tits or gtfo
try http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=user&mode=view&id=18619

might get some more luck there !!!! LOL
lol. Nice looking girl u have there not to sound like a pervert like rat. Rat is just jealous cos he can only attract men
nah it's ok. i guess i'm lucky :D:D:D
maybe. Just ask jonas/rat if ur a good looking man - im sure he will tell u :D. Then u will know if its not just luck
ye - his saying is any hole is a goal. So i would try and stay away from him if i was u :X
cmes from the guy who woke up next to Iron with a sore arse last cdc =D
i was sleeping on a floor what do u expect :D. U would have been sleeping on his cock
nice draw yesterday mate :)
ye mate cant wait for steve/toxic to get on so i can take the piss out of him and chelsea.
hehehe go get him :)

she deleted her hot pics :(
ok..now, what?
Can I borrow her?
Been to UK Global Gathering shame you had shit weather and PA system they normally rock!!!
the main stage had pretty good sound and so did the 2 of the 3 side stages i saw. was just the stage where ATB + a&b played that was CRAPPPPPPPPPPPOLOLAALAA
lol wut !
Too long to read, I bet it's boring but your girlfriend made it 10/10. Well played.

btw you both dont fit together, no offense
image: hgthouvreovhp5
image: w600

it was amazing at global gathering!! fuckign loved it! i went last year! amazing!
nice whine, there's like 2m of snow in tartu right now.
Not to sound like a pervert, but your girl looks nice
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