24 Nov 2008, 07:22
O hai. Bored again, browsing crossfire (got nothing new here anymore and it has been just 20minutes :/ ) and chatting in facebook/msn/irc, but I am still little bit bored.
How many of you guys/girls use facebook? I know Tosspot does, that bastard rejected my drunken buddy request few weeks ago.
I has 166 friends atm.
If you don´t use it, why not?
Educational video, look into it: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=sxjocYbbdsk
EDIT: Toss could make a crossfire.nu -group on facebook, I was about to do it but I am afraid of his terrible vengeance if he wouldn´t like me admining it.
How many of you guys/girls use facebook? I know Tosspot does, that bastard rejected my drunken buddy request few weeks ago.
I has 166 friends atm.
If you don´t use it, why not?
Educational video, look into it: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=sxjocYbbdsk
EDIT: Toss could make a crossfire.nu -group on facebook, I was about to do it but I am afraid of his terrible vengeance if he wouldn´t like me admining it.
lets party here
i remembered i didn't have to shower, since water is evil, so i have 5 more mins left, then i'm leaving to unviersity :)
I r very naiz guy. Me love you long time!
we have so much in commoN
add me, i need more friends :DDDDDD
Add me :
It already exists. :)
cf is basically the only 'community' I'm registered at...
deleted myspace,facebook,studivz accounts.. mostly because people try to look cooler than they actually are (of course there's enough exceptions)
the email-finder is also great, I recontacted many old forgotten friends with it :)
I'm no longer scared of Facebook D:
http://theelc.com/text.php?text=975 <- a piece about gamers and facebook, sorta
and i joined the crossfire group
Pieter-Jan Daems
2 mutual friends
whos that ?
add me
random commercial
And also while you disconnected all your inet friend just have gone. Imitation of life all this.