after rtcw2 comes...

What do u think will et be marginal game like rtcw now, or will et be succesful after rtcw2? I thnik everybody buy rtcw2 but it sucks with pb2 and everybody comes back to et :P
couldn't agree more! <3
if rtcw2 will be succesful, et will be dead
ET wont die !
yeah ET wont die coz all the polaks will be playing it.. u know coz it's free and rtcw2 prolly not
ppl will keep playing ET because its more miscellaneous than any other game.

you cant stick in any other game like ET, if you play for example cs, you will get bored very soon because its almost all about shooting.

i cant really understand why ET scene is so small, maybe its because of cheats or so
its really not about shooting at higher levels.
of course there is some team work and stuff but not like in ET, which makes ET so much better than any other game

in ET you can make so many different tactics because variety of weapons, in cs you only can use smgs and rifles
depends on how successfull rtcw 2 is.
if its crap in mp or community whises will be ignored then et will still be the first game to play for most ppl i guess.
rtcw 2 will be delayed till 2012, and the world will be game over by then, so there will not be any more games :(
Why would the world be game over by then?
aztecs said so!
Read the info better :) It is the Mayan calendar firstly and secondly it is not said that its the end of the world...December 21, 2012 is the beginning of a large new period of 26.000 years and a smaller period of 5200 years. The Guatemalan ‘Mayan Elders of the Eagle Clan' write: 'This is a cycle of wisdom, harmony, peace, love, of consciousness and the return of the natural order. It is not the end of the world as many from outside of the Mayan tradition have misinterpreted it to be. Its just the start of a new era
Hmmmm actually I just saw it somewhere, I dont really made research about it, but loads of movies/minimovies/fakes ... are around about the "2012's end of the world"...

AND the aztecs, LIKE THE MAYAS, said something weird would happen in 2012 8)
Well yes, it's commonly seen that it will be the end of the world because the calendar ends then, but only that part gets hyped. People generally don't look further if they found enough sensation in the end of the world already :P
cuz i say so
oh, pls, read newspapers !
See my answer above ;)
You will probably need an uber pc to get decent stable fps, ititc then ppl will stay ET.
rtcw2 wont add anything i think... it will just be ET with other maps, maybe new weapons, higher graphics and only people with good computers will be able to play it. All ET needs is some nice and new maps to keep it alive. i think many people will fall back to ET due to the specification needs
It will be ET without polaks, because they can't afford a pc that can run rtcw2 (they even seem to lag at ET!)
I promise.
Thanks ! I'v been waiting for this day to come, some game with out polaks :)))
image: 4chan-b2

Your argument is invalid.
she has a black hand :O? wtf
fucking lol :D
it's rikku \o/
pic deserved it XD
Many people quit ET and play other games till wolfenstein is out.
you gave it to me and i gave it away (L)
Last christmas I gave you my (L)
ouu baby baby , ouuu baby baby... ashhhh push it , push it real g00d (8) (H)
y0 y0 y0 y0, baby-pop .... Yeah, you come here, gimme a kiss...Better make it fast or else I'm gonna get pissed
Cant you hear the music's pumpin' hard like I wish you would
Now push it (h) (Y)
poor people will keep on playing ET
50% of the ET community wont be able to run wolfenstein anyway.
Same happend with ETQW most ET ppl couldnt run it at all.
So they just came back to ET.
but etqw is space shit and rtcw2 is ww2 game
dont forget that veil thing
"RTCW2" is ww2 shit though.
well we all hope its not shit ... :< but still who knows ... im just scared the engine takes out the speed (mad strafing skills.. too big maps or whatever)
ye the clothes of puppets in a game really matters.
Than just dont play strogg play only GDF.
I hope rtcw2 is gonna be good because I'm banned on half of the ET servers.
you forgot something, some of us will grow up and wont play computer games 24/7
I guess it depends on the level of failure which will be made by id software. At first, all et playors will buy rtcw2 to play on some publics, although all oldschoolers will obviously stay with ET in praccs etc. Whether they will actually move on to ET is only a matter of a possibility of finding a guy who will be able to code a promod which will be able to decrease the level of failure added to the game to id software. I'm talking about veil and any other shit ideas they're going to put into it - and of course some hitboxes/lag/other unhitability issues they're going to left there.

We'll see :D
People will expect Wolfenstein to be ET2 or RTCW2, bitch and whine when they realise it isn't, they wont even consider giving anything that is different a try and demand it be removed without thinking.

I hope it is similar to ET dont get me wrong but I dont want an exact copy, I hope the new ideas they got planned make it feel a bit fresh without destroying what the game is about. I'm sure we will need some kind of mod for competition purposes but the mod should modify not remove features unless of course they totally fuck it up but lets hope they dont do that.
yeah like mortar :>
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