ClanBase Xmas winners announced 2007

Well actually i think I am a bit late with this but Till today Not a single admin wanted to talk with me about it.

I won the Multiplay XL Hamper for 3 months, bassicly this is a server with ts/vent.
But i never received this.
I tried to contact many admins but i am always getting redirected to some other admin, not really helping me.
Well anyways I hope maybe some clanbase admin will read this and he will be able to help me.

another redirect from another admin xDDDDD
=], That's bassicly it but thanks anyways killerboy i will try to ask help their.
Nowone will see what he posted here since only me/ET cb admins check this out.

he needs cb chiefs
have your sorted this guy out whose spoofing me yet?
sorry was me :D
Well this guy had hax! Someone from my team played vs him in a Mix they checked his guid and it was my old guid and my nicks came up!!
I remember this channel. Someone redirected me to, after that some admin from this channel redirected me to another admin who was too lazy to answer, so I came back, but they told me that the lazy_admin is the only one person in the world who can help me. ez xD
clanbase suxxx !
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