waking up

Its really hard to wake up these last week for me.
Think its because its still dark in the morning.
Also sometimes i set my alarmclock at 7.30 i suddenly wake up at 10 and dont remember a thing :\

anyway im already 1 hour awake but i still feel tired/cold.

anyone experiencing this too?

1st and NO. Its all in your damm brainz.

Dark and cold is nice and warm ^^
cold is only reason really for me

i just keep hitting snooze because i dont want to get out of bed
same but me has it also in summer when me was late in my bed :p and when i drunk ;)
im sittinh now at work ,tired, first coffee, but my boss isnt here. so i can yawn at my place

i dont make difference cause when its warm me wants to stay in bed, when its cold same. but my kittie is bothering me till me stands up
my boss isnt here, too.. actually i'm alone in the office for the next hour \o/
I love winter because it is dark. It is so annoying when it is bright, sun shines in your eye etc etc.
Couldn't agree more!
when me is snowboarding the sun is shining in my eyes too.. :o
and then normally its winter
But sun in spring is whole different thing :) Especially when snowboarding.
i dont want to go sleep because im afraid ill never wake up again
Yeah same here but it's always the same. No difference between summer & winter.

I usually just keep pressing snooze untill it stops ringing.
i feel ya pain nigga
I have a timed lamp that lights up 5 minutes before the alarm goes off! Works like a charm. Although it is quite hard to get out of bed when the room temperature is less than. 18°C
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