imaginary problem

Let's imaginate a situation where we have an ET player. This completely imginary character has made horrible mistakes in the young & stupid years of his shameful past and CHEATED IN ET! Therefore he's got a few warnings in PBBans, which has led to the worst and most feared destiny possible for an ET player, TRIANGLES IN YAWn!

After getting the triangles he was shocked, scared and desperate. That led him to accept an escape-route from those devilry triangles, which he got offered from very suspicious and dishonest people. He started constantly using an EPTRO GUIDSPOOFER. Everything worked fine for 1,5 years. He was playing with guidspoofer, thus NEVER cheating in any other way whatsoever anymore. He had grew up as a person, was fair and nice lad for everyone and made friends where ever he went. Sun was shining and birds singing. Life was beautiful.

Then came the day of bitter disappointment and desperate disbelief. A genious program called PunkBuster had got and update or something. When the imaginary guy tried to play with his guidspoofer on as always, he got kicked because of 'disallowed program/driver'. He could still play without the guidspoofer but the ghosts of his 1,5years old triangles were still in the YAWn!-history of his real eptro guid.

He contacted a known cheater and in every possible way very untrustable and dishonest ET player that nevertheless was a good friend of him. The friend told that the triangles and PBBans warnings linked to them won't get the imaginary character banned or anything because they were older than 1 year. According to the friend, imaginary character could just start playing without the guidspoofer again without facing any major problems like CB bans, whine from opponents doesn't matter anyway.

Was the friend telling the truth? Don't older than 1 year -triangles and warnings matter?

Remember that the main character and the friend are completely imaginary characters and don't have any connection to any real ET players.

is it true that pbbans warnings and yawntriangles can't cause CB/other bans if they are older than 1 year?
Getting nervous?
lol man how did u know im using guid spoofer for 1,5 years, wtf
yes thats true, sadly
as far as i know they dont matter.
nice imagination u got! :D
Nice try to bust chmpp :[
ull get kicked from my server if u have one.
they dont matter - but as you ve written the enemies will whine becauze of playing against you/a cheater...
I think you should spam away your triangles in YAWN. Just make new entries, it doesnt record more than like 6 pages, just try to make it as real as possible and no1 will notice. Thats what I did and worked fine
Sample tried that... xDDDDD
Ban !, cheated in the past or not, it will stay the same in my eyes imo, i hate it when ppl have this excuses, you must know that from the beginning of gaming that cheats isnt allow in game, for fun? or not, and if its for fun? I cant see the punt of FUN? shooting hs all the time or see ppl true the wall, lool nice fun^^
So now its too late .. You must think smart @ the beginning, and if you get owned play more thats the REAL skill.
there is a little line between some command in cfgs and getting triangles because of that, than some cheat kick
ooit van verjaren gehoord?
Well I was a cheater and I can't rly see anything bad in that. I wasn't "shocked, scared and desperate" and if someone ask me, I can tell him that I was a cheater without any problem. I don't think that was a mistake. If I could go in past I would do the same. The reason why I did that was bacouse I wanted to see 'how it is'.
Woo! I wont get banned :)
you are talking about crosby right ?
omg chmpp :(
you are talking about crosby right ?
i know a guy that got banned for over 1year old yawns....
omg chmpp :(
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