a movie bout e-sports

good day good day.

well, after i was in my bathroom, playing some quadrapop while loosing some stuff, i just thought about et, esports, and movies, and then DINGDINGDING i had an idea!

i know that some rumours tell that there will be a rtcw movie, but not actually a "simple" esports-movie.

my ideas:

- little boy sees cs(s) by a m8.
- little boy buys that game
- little boy plays online
- see some fragmovies by some known playahs
- wanna become such a pro too
- trains rly hard, forgets his gf etc.
- get into a low-clan
- trains so intensively
- wirte in communities (like cf) with other ppl and tries to write with namend players, but those doesnt want to write with him/play with him, because he's too noobish for them
- get angry/sad
- plays more and more and more
- school marks went rly bad -> shitbreak
- but after solving that problem he turned back, with more energy, with more power, with more emotions!
- visits with that "low"-clan a huge lan party, like cc5 or enlarged
- sees his favo player, but is too shy to talk with him.
- gets some troubles on the party with other retards
- tries to get more skilled etc.
- after many wars, climbing up the ladder, he's gonna play vs. his idol
- wins
- gets happy
- gets more and more famous
- gets more skilled with his team, plays on eps (e.g.)
- final match to the divisionrounds -> he plays vs. the players he had trouble on the event :/
- big showdown.
- he looses
- but next year he comes back and win everything ^-^



how do u like it ? idea, and my script :D
wtf go to holleywo00d
movie about winning against e-idols sounds boring, but if you emphasize the social problems part and how he (maybe) solves those problems it could be an idea :P
maybe also about cheaters, maybe they take u as a participating person how a cheaters life is.
:D hdl <3 xD
FFS stop it :DD
I think u have to confess something :O
could i get you as assistant for a movie about cheating?! xD
ye, that was my plan. but i actually dont know how to include it. :/
You mean my plan ?
You mean my plan ?
Quadrapop is fucking win.

What's your highscore?
a girlfriend of mine had something over 200k

and i only reached 100k :(
LoL mine is 1630295.

Took me something like 3 months because I only play it when I'm drunk on party on a toilet and can't be arsed standing up.
i play that game only in school when im bored in lessons :D
mine is over 800k but got bored of it:p, took me like 2 weeks
i only have pokemon, does texas canon thingy game and quadrapop.

yeye...i need tetris :/
quadrapop is the only one i have :p
which sony ericson? :s
dunno the precise name but it's one of those walkman cellphone's with camera 'n stuff
got the w810i, the most selled cellphone from sony ericson
change the ending to "he get's more and more frustrated and then shots 50 ppl on the LAN" and it might be a good movie!
It sounds like a typical, hollywood movie :O. First everything goes bad and then he comes back stronger and defeat all ze mighty ennemies jawohl!! and then he has some nice poepsex afterwards with some chick and they live long and happily together!!
- little boy sees cs(s) by a m8.
- little boy thinks cs(s) is a shit game

© Gero

It's my script now
- little boy sees ET by a m8.
- little boy download that game
- little boy plays online
- see some fragmovies by some known playahs
- wanna become such a pro too
- trains rly hard, forgets his gf etc.
- get into a low-clan
- trains so intensively
- wirte in communities (like cf) with other ppl and tries to write with namend players, but those doesnt want to write with him/play with him, because he's too noobish for them
- get angry/sad
- downloaded hax
- plays more and more and more
- school marks went rly bad -> shitbreak
- got busted
- but after solving that problem he turned back, with more energy, with more power, with more emotions and without hax!
- visits with that "low"-clan a huge lan party, like cc5 or enlarged
- sees his favo player, but is too shy to talk with him.
- gets some troubles on the party with other retards
- tries to get more skilled etc.
- after many wars, climbing up the ladder, he's gonna play vs. his idol
- wins
- gets happy
- gets more and more famous
- gets more skilled with his team, plays on eps (e.g.)
- final match to the divisionrounds -> he plays vs. the players he had trouble on the event :/
- big showdown.
- he looses
- next year he will cheat again to proof the community that everyone can cheat , even the guy he had troubles with!

(c) k1pa
tell me ...
Sounds exactly like one of the purepwnage.com movies.
not bad, though the end is stupid
nacherzählung deines lebens? =D
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