Social Acceptance and PC Gaming

Ok so just a random journal and something to think about, some one please try and answer this one.

A guy invites his mates round for some beers, maybe they also play pro evo on the playstation 3 or whatever. Playing pro evo is considered acceptable in the eyes of society and expected by most women as just something that guys do.

So please now explain to me why people would flame someone who plays ET on his PC, why is it so much more unacceptable to game on the pc than say a playstation?

I just had someone say to me "lol 26 and playing ET" yet the flip side to that is no one has an issue if you play pro evo on your PS3, where there is the difference or is it just that some people are stupid???
because ET is for pro's only and the kid is just scared that you pwn the hell out of him!

but for real.. imo its just that playing on the ps3/wii/xbox360 is what most guys do and also with friends etc.. but when you are playing a game on the comp alone its kinda nurdy, compared to xbox with friends
they are just stupid =)

the real nubs are the ones who buy a console imo, it's far more expensive then a pc =)
you are fucking stupid or what? playing on console is much cheaper... if u play on pc u have to be up to date with hardware... on console its not that way... and u can buy a new console in every 3-4 years.
you can buy a pc every 2-3 years + games are cheaper or for free. only xbox is cheaper atm ^_^
games are free on both if you play like me xD
there are no hax for ps3, so tell me

and xbox360 is fucking outdated

ow and btw, i can do much more with my pc then gaming only, so yes it's much cheaper
Because it's soccer.
because ET=shooting
pro evo= football

yes indeed, you totally got the point there
We need mp40s shooting footballs imo
you just made so much sense, medal worthy
Prolly cause consoles and football are more connected in playing it with rl friends and doesnt have such a cliche like the pc itself ( beeing nerd having no rl etc. )
If you have the mates round for a lan in the house with some there a problem in society??

If you're sitting on comms with people, some of who are 5-10 years younger than you, from different parts of Europe...all of whom are basically sitting alone in a room, then people just think it's weird.

I disagree with the analogy.

EDIT: typo
i have this argument with my housemates who i play pro evo with all the time :P
because most minds are influenced by what the media shows them, and in most shows and movies you'll see middle aged single men playing basket/soccer on their playstation

well not only because of this factor of course, but I think that it has his part in this misconception of who's the nerd

+ what mama and max said, very true as well
no reason to act smart, everyone knows this is me since like ... forever
I think most people didn't even know that a guy with the nick Jerrento existed, atleast I didn't.
well I never hid it that this is my fake account so I don't mind :P
You can get up to 8 people on one console all able to play at once, you can’t really do that on a PC. Playing a PC multiplayer without online capabilities would just not work.
Think it's a bit of everything... gaming on the pc is more closed off, you might be interacting with others across the globe but you can't with the person next to you, whereas consoles are inclusive, from the type of games, the setup to how you appear playing them. Hopefully the standard 'n gameplay of console games will eventually overtake that of the pc (mouse + keyboard > * atm) 'n everyone can geek in peace!

It pains me too though. I know people that'll spend hours playing stupid flash games, but the second you put on anything with some playability (even trackmania rather than a 2D flash car game!) yer called a geek!
maybe because pro evo3 is smth u can do with your friends at home together with soem beer & fun.. just like watching a dvd together or going to the cinema or going out

while ET.. well.. u sit alone infront of your pc and play alone in the dark :P

or maybe because most ppl play pro evo as a hobby.. while most ppl who play ET/CS do it in a clan .. nerding every night with some unknown ppl to pracc and get better.
absolutely agree
haha bullshit
its because its football
and football = men
In greece it doesnt matter so much. Actually people who play some games (like dota) are more accepted than the people who cant play. This is because at some point, everyone has played something on his pc, and its just weird if you haven't.
omg i would be a superstar in greece !

"hey ladies i can make 3 kills with 9 bullets @ET.. wanan drink smth with me?" ... nah this just sounds fucking weird :DD
well not like that, but if you have for example a girlfriend in greece and you tell her "im gonna play ET with some mates at some internet cafe" she will want to come and see you play...
:o this is fucking nice :P

I normally dont even tell them that i play games active on my pc :P
well its like porn, everyone can say they havent seen or that they dont like it but...
"i'm karrrde from team-Hungary, do u want to drink something?"
Can u sign my monitor please ? :D
oh yeah

evo & eVo !! the journal made me crazy !
Whenever you totally rock at a game not fighting/football related you're a fucking nerd, face it :(
you're cool!
strange comparison... when i m playing fifa with my best friends on xbox its not the same as i play ET alone... i cannot even compare... mainly because after we played 3-4 matches we go out... ET is way more nerdy.
People say stuff like "lol 26 and playing ET" because it's not something that the majority of people do. The nation considers it wierd if it's not formal.
i dunno anyone irl that plays computer games online lol, but i got never called a nerd or anything.
but i play much PS3 at my mates house and all my friends are (console) gamers too, so its np
When i've spoken to people i know about playing games like et and rtcw, they find it hard to grasp the fact that the people im playing and speaking with people i've generally never met.

I think thats the difference, and perhaps the shear amount of time, and specifically scheduled play if your in a proper

With pro evo i just get shouted at come do a world cup, and we just play whenever. I think if everyone had a good pc and played fps games, then it would be more accepted, but as people said football will be more popular than shooting.
because gaming on consoles is usually something you do with rl friends, online gaming is seen as weird and for nerds because you play it either alone or with people you prolly never met.
the guy says "lol" in day to day dialogue, and calls you a nerd?
Playing with consoles was considered just as geek before Sony introduced the first Playstation. Funny how times change. :)
Most of the salient points have been raised already, but I'll collate them.

k1pa kicks off the discussion by noting that far more people are exposed to console gaming and, thus, it is seen as the more socially acceptable hobby.

mama, spiroze and Ati all raise the point that the difference is in the style of game - soccer vs shooting. I disagree here, as Halo is seen as a perfectly acceptable party game, at least among my friends.

Max brings up the age difference of players. Generally when you play social PES you'll be playing with your mates of similar ages; playing online FPS games you're playing with people from 15 to 35.

Jerrento mentions media indoctrination and stereotyping which is, undoubtedly, a factor.

Nellie makes the excellent point that console gaming is considerably more inclusive than PC gaming. You can play a console game in the living room with a beer, while chatting to your mates. Your mates can join in too, of course, but even if they don't the whole style is far more open than sitting in the corner with a PC.

Crumbs agrees, and points out that playing online clan games involves interacting (and, frequently, good friendships) with people you can't see and have never met. A large number of people have a lot of trouble comprehending this. The situation here is improving, but not rapidly.

Crumbs also raises, in passing, the thing that I find is the single biggest factor for people calling my gaming geeky. The fact that you have scheduled games. This means you end up blowing off opportunities to go out with friends, which you'd never do as a casual console gamer. This is (justifiably) seen as pretty damn geeky.

Combine all the above factors and you can probably get your answer. I think the situation is slowly improving. I remember when just having a computer and knowing how to use the internet was seen as untolerably geeky. Times change.
would be funny to have a spoken commentary on crossfire discussions!
Consoles are considered less geek than PC games.
Sports games are considered less geek than shooters.

Here you go
It will always be like this.
Being good at something is geeky, being equally good at something else is cool.

I have two hobbies: playing guitar and computers. The first one is socially accepted. If I play something nice or difficult, people get impressed.
But if I start showing off my programming skills or gaming skills (yes I may suck, but i'm better than Joe D. RandomReallifer), suddenly I'm a geek.

That's life.
Playing guitar is socially accepted, playing the piano is socially fagcepted. :D

I've seen people throw weird faces when I told them I played piano but if someone else said they'd play guitar they'd ask "OOHHH! which songs can you play?" and shit like that. What I'm saying is it's basically the same for instruments. Playing a 'cool' instrument like drums, guitar, bass, and shit like that is kinda cool and all, but if you (for example) play violin as a male you're bound to be called a faggot. Same goes for oboe, flute, piano, organ, etc etc.
Piano's impressive when you hear it! You could always say keyboard if it bothers ya... :v

Wish I could play more than *I like bread and butter, I like toast and jam, That's what my baby feeds me, I'm her loving man!*

'n the Oboe is the coolest instrument after the sax!
Then again you can also say "you're asking for it" when you're playing classical music on any instrument in today's society :D
Honestly though I don’t think your friends really give a shit if you’re confident ‘n happy with it – or good!
Aye same here. I play guitar, thing is so does every other bugger. Been learning loads of classical piano pieces arranged for acoustic guitar, though I really want to learn how to play them how there meant to be played, on a piano.

Bit off topic but I think learning an instrument is a better use of your time than et, a few years down the line would you rather be able to play an instrument or be able to put some more et achievements in your crossfire profile?

Though having said that, I still cant bring myself to uninstall and completely stop playing et, its just too much fun! :)
Dunno about .nl, but here in .no piano is rather accepted.. At least chicks dig when you play something beautiful on the piano. Instawin for me who plays both piano and guitar :D

And 2 days ago I was on a classical concert with a student orchestra because i know someone who plays there.
Full of violin-playing chicks!

And chicks or not, classical instruments = win imo.
Totally agree with the last sentence. :P

Well, it's 'accepted', but with current rock/rnb/bullshit-culture in "the world", you're "more accepted" when you play electric guitar then when you play the church organ. At least, that's what I think :D
i agree, but generally people try to build walls around them, trying hard not to accept things they cant recognize in themselves.
That's true.. I'd put piano in a different position than the church organ though. At least here pianos are rather common in peoples livingrooms, so its not considered that geeky.

I have to say though, if I ask a random 17 year old and a random 20 year old I think the 20 year old would be far less hostile towards classical than the random 17 year old. At least personally I see a much broader acceptance and overall better taste of music (imo) in my current age group than i did 3 years ago.
QuoteI see a much broader acceptance and overall better taste of music (imo) in my current age group than i did 3 years ago.

Yeah, same.

I've also noticed a great change in my own personal taste in the past few years. Three years ago I would never have listened to Steely Dan or Miles Davis, but as I become a more literate musician, I find them so much more appealing.

I still haven't been able to get into some of Frank Zappa's stuff yet. A lot of it is just far too crazy.
It's probably because I'm musically educated and my father can play the organ, but if someone tells me they regularly play the church organ (talking real organs here, with 2 keyboards + pedals) I'm seriously impressed, because those things are relatively rare, bloody expensive and pretty damn hard to play.
hahahaha did you ever win a game??
I seriously fail to understand that comment from kiddies saying "lol 26 and playing ET" ..I'm even older and believe me my gf would be happier me staying in playing that than going out drinking all the time. I mean I have my own family, many in this community do...I have finished my studies ages ago, so I mean what am I supposed to do? Sit in front of the tv watching coronation st every night?
Makes no sense...

On the point of pc vs console gaming I think the issue is a social one. Do you want to play with rl friends or virtual...Or did the preference come from friends or contacts. I onced asked my class at Uni who played one had heard of it. Asked why 5 of them played ccs, the answer was always "the guys I live with play it"
cause everyone thinks playing football is awesome, stupidest sport ever.
It's very simply because when you're playing Pro Evo you are playing with friends that are in the same room. When you are playing ET you look and sound like you have a concieved inability to find friends in real life to play with, hence playing with people you have never met.
people aren't conscious
because its internet
Its football, you are english = simple ;D
I'm 32 years old, and have been playing video games (starting with an atari 2600) since I was like 13 or something.

All my life I heard this "how can u play games like a kid?" alot , and I totally ignore it cuz they dont know.

if there was a way to measure the heartbeats+adrenaline+seratonin (and some other hormones affiliated with happiness and stuff) of a guy who is bungee jumping (cool and accepted), and of a guy who just killed objective carrier 1 meter before the radio (nerd and not accepted)....I'm sure there wouldnt be much of a difference between these two they dont know what we feel when we are plaiyng vs a equal skilled team..

also kick off owns far.
because ET is nerd game
lol 26 and still playing ET. noliefer
fucking hater :P
i have no idea rly it is stupid to flame for that but on the other hand i would personally flame ppl for playing shooters on console xDD

I guess its just whatever your used to and prefer
yea but whats stupid is that its a younger ET player that flames me because i play ET at 26, its like the pot calling the kettle black
I thinks its because they expect to only play a game until there a certain age and then just stop. I know i did
But the fact that there still young and that there is a serious chance they might still be playing a game when they get older.
I've told friends I play online FPS' and they have no issue, I've also managed to convince a few to give it a go. I think it's becoming more socially acceptable with the likes of CoD and stuff doing really well on XBL and Playstation's online alternative.

I'd never admit to playing WoW in public though >:)
prolly coz football is now part of the habits, and e-gaming not.
I disagree with the people that say it's just because with pro evo you play it with your rl mates. Let's say if you played in a ET clan at a lan with your rl mates, you think people would see it as "socialable" then? I don't think so really.

imo, PC Gaming is generally considered nerdy, because PC's are technical as compared to ps3 or xbox, which just requires pushing the power button and chilling :>
You cant play PES Drinking in ET :(
You could play head shot?
Nah, he'd never get to drink anything. Wouldn't be any fun.
ur not 26 mate, dont lie!!!
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