TLR RankingS

Where the fuck are they (Well BB rankings or TAG rankings since Lightning's in TAG now, who cares). There was supposed to be one every two week. Well no surprise here!

EDIT: Folkearth - Drakkars In the Mist fucking rocks
FiF-green should be in top-5.
Today the Sexually Non-Active Battalion is proud to announce its second! edition of a tri-daily top seven ranking for Superfluous Neurophisilogy Battalion players. This is no conventional Battalion ranking. You won't find Regimental Quartermaster Seargents here, only a list of what many will deem as the most skilled players to have ever played the game.

Furthermore the competitive scene itself became active again throughout the last months as hot events like Spree's new album release, the addition of the Seychelles flag to crossfire and the evilynn-gate which involved pictures spread around thanks to some Belgian fucks who were ironically busted for rivatuner tweaking, wow, next week.

With "top" players making excuses for playing bad on ETTV and trying to uncover the best possible excuse for not going to lan, the need for a player rating system increased, and Stupidly Notorious Battalion decided to step up to the plate.

We have chosen a system in which a master council panel consisting of a jew, 2 cheaters, a perfectionist, a vegetable and 2 IRC nerds.

Master Council Pannel:

* destiny (accurate)
* mind (keskus random police club)
* alexL (disposable)
* beAsty (Cybergames)
* chmpp (Vicious And Evil)
* Tarzan ( master)
* shiNe (most hated admin)

As you can see the master council is a lot smaller in this second edition, which is due to an outbreak of ebola in a Rhand journal on Crossfire. Rest in peace to every old member of the council.

The Ranking:

1. Sight (MVP)
2. R0SS (13)
3. Azatej (12.9)
4. perfo (11)
5. Reikkeri (world piece)
6. hentai (8)
7. Meez (kicked out of SNB, gave us a bad name)
8. kye (5, back alive)
9. Viax (1)
Thank the gods there are still some heroes alive.
I feel honoured.
lollllll funny
hey ! I felt so honored when u mentioned the "vagina" .. now its gone :< toooo bad .. damn!
Vagina was a name for pansy in our first edition :( I was too lazy to edit them out but now I did! I also made a better council, some ebola cases were yet to be deleted from the council but hadn't been mentioned so far by our reverend.
i have been cut from the Council, i feel oh so inadequacy :(.
EDiT: all surrounding replies are from girls dying for attention :D
im not mentioned
shit rankings!!

not :o
Was thinking about the same and making a journal about it, but then I was like 'whatevah'.
I was like "Ill do a journal" and then like no way, but in the end I did it. YATTA!
TLR was just being an attentionwhore, they weren't planning making new ones anyway
There is no ET coverage at TLR anymore. At the moment I've not the time to do it alone.
Ask all these 'experts'!
we (sienihermannit) are working for our own top rank list, it will be published in a week.
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