IE/Firefox Text

Not sure if these images will show clearly what i'm talking about here they are anyway;

(right click -> View image too see them in full size)

image: ffkz1

image: ienb2

anyway, I prefer the look of the IE text, and i just wanted to ask if i could make my firefox text appear the same as IE.

any suggestions? :/
Meaby try look for the options and font :x or just use IE hihi
edit: try ctrl + scroll :P
the IE pic is blurry, why the hell you want it to look like that?
Just looks anti aliased to me. :P
edit: read your other comment nm
what you mean?? i just opened IE and compared and IE look blurry to me!
Might just be my screen, but ie/clearfont makes the text seem smoother.
i never understood how people can browse crossfire at default fontsize

I'm guessing ClearType is enabled at the system level?
only at crossfire, a higher fontsize makes the text clearer, and how do i say it, more "square"?
yeah, i needed to turn it on. Cheers.
i remember it being very small in linux, don't see why anyone wouldn't browse it with what it is by default on windows, or whatever your point is :f
dunno, I always found crossfire font to be too small, since the first iteration of the site

guess it's just different tastes but most of the other places I frequent seem to use larger font sizes

thankfully the addition of true zoom in/zoom out to browsers makes it a lot better o//
of course you can, just set the same font and size in options.

or just download stylish plugin for fx, and modify css for it, specifying proper font and size (leaving rest as it is) :-)

oh yeah, and i hope (like meez) that you have clear type enabled in desktop->properties->look->effects? :-)
omg that IE cleartype shit is so fucking blurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryy omg
but anyway np ;[
opera is different aswell
have got a different problem:
image: iceweasel

system is debian lenny with iceweasel 3.0.3
the whole design gets torn apart. (didnt get the right words D:)
hold ctrl and scroll down
Did you try "apt-get install msttcorefonts"?

If not, give it a try ;P
I've got the same on Gran Paradiso 3.0.4 :(
I hate the IE look... vista has the same look and vista sux afaik as a belgian!
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