D-Box 2 :)

Just wondering if anyone uses a Nokia D-Box 2 or a Sagem equivalent? I'm looking into getting one and am wondering how to set it up.

Info - A D-Box is a digital reciever that gives you all the channels you would get if u payed a subscription with Sky or Virgin Media etc but you get them for free when software is loaded onto them.
nokia d-box ?

just know this recievershit (we have one) but dnno that there is one of nokia
i just got a dreambox. there you can set it up via LAN connection. image/emulator/keys - thats what you'll need
where the fuck do i get 1? ------> more info!
google-> d-box
Dreambox, easy to use and setup, run with Linux. Your laughing.

Eurobox is the same, the keys in which need changing auto-update also.

BTW you need to manually get the keys which are normally HEX values, you need good knowledge of technical Linux based shizzle.
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