fraps fps boost

i have heard that dling FRAPS and having it in the background while playing ET gives you like a 50 fps boost, is this true?

need mythbusters
i heard half of the community had sexual contact to your mother

quiet you troll
Mwahaha :D
...what 0o
offcourse having software recording all your ingame actions running in the background gives your pc an enourmous boost, anyone could think of that
Yes, your ingame FPS + the FPS running in fraps = HUGE
FPS multiplied with fraps FPS = enormous!
Logicfail of the month, gratz
last time i used it gave me a virus,but np
change your DDR to SD ram for another fps boost, but get a proper lcd display with 500ms ~ else it will fuckup your pc.
I heard bigfoot raped your dad at the age of 7
i heard you were making the list
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