looking for players toooo..

for fun matches at frist, could get serious, but dont get your hopes up...
i finally got a mic that works, not that i put alot of effort in getting 1, but w/e.
not alot demands; just be friendly and non-polish AND DONT CHEAT:).

im dutch
18 years old
last war was like.. half year ago?
played cybergames since inactivity :D
low+ skilled, at best..

much luf.

EDIT: ive got ventserv which im stealing from my mate..
even if his low+... hes DUTCH!!! recruit him!!!!

GL m8
Edit: fuck havent taken the piss!!
im uber @ cybergames tho:$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
+ you misread my journal, prolly cuz you needed to take an urgent piss.
gl at that and thanks:)
thank god for the toilet..
hmn.. oh crap well.. i was pissy!
im cold:<
i sometimes shit before my mom/dad needs to shower (toilet in the shower aswell), i think thats funny..
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