cb should update their rules

cb should update their rules for the ladders and cups...

see point 4:

4. Client settings
All teamcommands are allowed.
Client settings while testing servers before the match:
snaps, rate: the value that the player will use during the match
cl_maxpackets: 30

kinda old ;)
thx for pointing this out you faggot, why dont you pm an admin now everyone will abuse it again
Belgium EDiT: lol i thought it was possible to abuse it :D
or CB will just edit it?
how can you abuse it when the config doesn't allow packets under 100?
stfu you piece of shit, its not possible to abuse them anymore
thinking about abusing is so wrong :<
you are the faggot i guess... as other replies said already - cant be abused due to maxpackets forcing!
Almost as old as the one in the server settings:

Quote by ClanBaseEtpro 3.2.5 and ET 2.60 with the latest certified European config (see cup information box) will be used.
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