BFG Geforce 260 gtx ocx maxcore

Ordered ...waiting for delivery :D:D

Hello GTA4/COD5 high details mwahaha

270 Quid.
nice :) good choice
thx took me a lot of time and ive been through a lot of hesitation lately before I bought it.
Price was the main factor that delayed me a bit ..GTA4 is the main reason I bought it.

It's highly overclocked version of gtx 260 + it has unlocked cores.Performance is a few fps
slower than stock 280gtx and cheaper 70-100 pounds : >
ok, but you have to know that the cores about which you wrote down in comments doesn't rly make big difference like you said, still at the moment it's better to buy this card than hd4870 because the price is near the same ( at least it looks like this in Poland :d ) and the gtx is a bit better
I don't want to feel like Ive made a bad choice or overpaid :/

I think cores do make a diffrence because that's the only diffrence between 260 nad 280.
52 more cores + more RAM ,and clocks ofcourse.

Anyway I hope I made a good choice regardless these 20-30 pounds I probably overpaid.
At least they offer lifetime guarantee : )
what do you mean under cores? shaders? i see you're talking about unlocking them.. what does that mean? there isn't any secret method of unlocking anything to get more performance, besides raising clocks imo.
to be honest I don't know.Shaders most likely :> Smack that.
no no it's not a bad choice don't worry :)
happy birthday to you ! : - )
Aint the HD 4870 cheaper + better ?, rofled even more when i readed OC version you pay for something you can do your self :DD, well anyways nice card
I don't like ATI.4870 costs the same as standard 260,I understand that clocks may be
done by anyone ,but here I have liftime guarantee from BFG And free game FARCRY 2 which I can sell :) btw cores can be unlocked only by advanced users .
Do you really think you get the game Far cry 2 for free ?:DDDDD
You pay at least the normal shop price for it, but it's all included in the price.
Well the Hd4870 is around 50 euros cheaper then the GTX260 here, what do u actually mean with cores can be unlocked?:D
260 gtx -196 cores
260gtx maxcore-216
280 - 240

I don't know how to unlock rendering cores ? do you ?
If the game is included in price then I will get that money back : )

check perfomance in google if you still think that this is a bad choice : >
I only said that the 4870 is around 50euros cheaper HERE, dint said it's a bad choise or anything like that+ your processor will bottleneck this + your ram is only 2 GIG that aint that much nowadays if you understand me, But like i said anways it's a nice card
well you didn't but we can't compare oveclocked 260 gtx to hd4870 :) stock 260gtx costs the same as HD4870 .

Basicly I wouldn't achieve same performance by buying stock 260gtx for 200 pounds
because i have no clue how to unlock the cores.It might be possible only for producers or
pros. On the oder hand that card is almost as quick as 280 gtx which costs from 329 pounds/350 :)

I checked a lot of benchmarks and fps tests , and HD only wins a few of them in very high res. or unknown game (vs stock gtx,not overclocked)

when buying I was more thinking about close performance to 280 gtx ;> which is insanely expensive.especially BFG version (up to 550 pounds overclocked)
Well i even think the 4870 is having closer peformence to the GTX 280 then the 260 does and as you can see on this website : you can see the 4870 wins most of the time.
far cry 2 2 fps diffrence :D And it's version with 50/60 hz lower clocks.
I told ya Ive done my homework.If I only had the same PC as the have on tests I could carry out same tests but unfortunately not .

Im not arguing but im not convinced :)
Well good for you then dont want to discus any farther since it's useless :)
useless. except if your playin on a 40'' screen...

cancel your order and take a 4870 or 9800.
260's in the UK have just had a price drop. £270 sounds expensive to be honest.

More powerful (even compared to a 260+ 896MB)

I was an avid nVidia fan up until this latest generation of cards, they simply cannot compete head to head with ATi.
Gaming generation imo has had a upside down situation. Since I felt that AMD and Nvidia was the choice for GAMERS before, now its other way around, ATI and Intel ruling the gaming (as well as normal use) markets.
if you take of the 20 quid for the price of far cry and consider that my card isn't in that test
what gives 4 fps diffrence I overpaid 10 pounds :D
Googlng your exact card it appears to get mixed reviews.
It appears to be on par with an OC'd 4870 512 on stock cooling.

O/C'd it should keep up with a custom O/C'd 4870 1GB on aftermarket cooling.
So I'll give you that...

Still seems expensive though :<
I can agree here.a bit more expensive because they're offering lifetime guarantee+ game
Like i said to toxic hd4870 would be better and I thought u ment 270 euro's, 270 pounds is really a lot of money I can buy it for around 240 Euros in the netherlands
the 260 is still a beast of a card regardless
exactly but a few guys want to make me feel sad and foolish : /

ATI has a lot of enthusiasts these days :>
Yeh well ATI has sucked all these years :) the fanboys are around i guess
Well you are so wrong mate

Amd got +13.81% sold products Q3 2008
nvidia got -11.47% sold product Q3 2008

This has nothing to do with fanboys, just the truth
hehe I shoudn't say anything but .... IT's because they are cheaper and credit crunch is so bad these days everyone buys affordable products ! AMD is also processors motherboards ...NVIDIA only GPU and motherborads .
True but still :P you can see it's not about fanboys only like daze_ said
I started off with ATI ,annoyed me when playing ET .Went for NVIDIA last year,happy bunny.
This time I think im taking the best deal around. I wanted a quickest card around
but they are too expensive. This one is close to the winner though :>

It's always been tough topic to chat about ATI vs Nvidia : > It comes to a few FPS and some money :> It's just one time spent .. not like a car where petrol usage matters and a few liters more per 100 km can maka a diffrence over a year > : >
still dosent take away the fact that nvidia had the best cards up untill recently
ATI sucked for years. Untill they brought out the 4850 etc
3*** series were fine to sold really good
They were never really that good :(
Dint said they were good in peformence but they sold good
they never sold as good a nvidia tho. although they are now
wow, are you blind or what? ati is raping nvidia atm
Yeh they are atm performance wise. Cant wait to see the next nvidia releases ^^
so if ati has "sucked all these years" and is better than nvidia right now, how can you call the people that buy the cheaper, better bang 4 buck videocard fanboys?
Just felt like it =D
some words : nvidia sucks ! D:
big up ! big words ; > peace out , you're wrong homes !

gtg too, cu !

but I still think for many reasons (price is one of them !) that ATi is better than nVIDIA nowadays.

But I've always had ATi cards, so I can't really be objective :D
hello waste of money :) a 8800GT can handle every game atm, and on christmans gtx260 will drop big time :O
also dont listen to others, 4870 and 260 are completely different cards. you will get better performance in different stuffs in each of the card, id still go with the 260gtx tho, its alil better
260 is a great choice mate, but i think its not the right time to buy it :P

im gong for core i7 920, p6t deluxe and 260GTX SLi after christmas
"im gong for core i7 920, p6t deluxe and 260GTX SLi after christmas"

waste of money, imho!
why? :o core i7 is the same price as the Q9550 but core i7 obliterate Q9550 by far :D motherboard's price is the same as the Q9550 because of the SLi feature (780i compare to p6t deluxe, its almost the same price, especially after Christmas)
But :

1) Who would buy a Q9550 ?
2) Motherboard is more expensive since you need the adequate socket for your proc (1366)
3) You have to buy DDR3 afaik
4) 260GTX is also a big waste of money, having a look at what ATi's doing with their 4870/4870X2. 4870 is better (at least in games) than 260GTX, and cheaper.
5) Useless to do SLi if you have such a nice nVIDIA graphic card (CrossFire(X) is also useless if you have such a nice ATi graphic card)
6) Price are going up (a bit) as soon as Christmas ends
wow, you made some bullshit statement here mate :) check your sources, because there is NO reason for the nvidia cards to go up, since christmas nvidia prices will drop, AND ATI AND nvidia will release new cards (270GTX and 290GTX)
+alot would buy a Q9550, it's the strongest quad,
+motherboards costs the same as the 780i
+it's not if you use a high res + having 2 cards for the future, games will have much higher physical use
+260GTX is the BEST card to buy, HD4870 costs the SAME as the 260GTX, maybe 10euros less, and 260GTX apparently beats HD4870 in ALOT of games (especially in cod5)
You're the one "doing" bullshit statements here :p

780i SLi > 240€
P6T Deluxe > 360€
I do see the difference !

"stongest quad" -> looks like an oxymoron to me tbfh, and it would be useless unless you're a professional

you used the word "future" -> this kind of future will not be here until 2013, if it's not 2018. I also hope for you that you're not playing on a 28 inches screen, otherwise it must be awful to play wars correctly

Are you joking ?
- 210€ for the 512 Mo GDDR5 - 240€ for the 1 Go GDDR5 (HD4870)
- 260€ with 896 Mo GDDR3

the HD4870 is _nearly_ always more performant in games (~10fps variation), unless you play in 2560x1600 (kinda the same, sometimes the GTX 260 is better, sometimes not)
hah, in the site im buying it's the same price, 10euros off, and the motherboard is WAY better, beats the hell out of the shit nvidia chipests and the x48
same for the 4870, there's one for 258e
and the 260GTX for 270e ^^
plus the hd4870 is known for heating issues, but annyways since i bought few ati cards and wasnt statefied, and nvidia always worked for me, the road of moeny wasting for me goes to nvidia
for the hd 4870 i took Sapphire's one as samples !

And I disagree with the heating issues, my mate never had problems with it :)

but there are some with the hd 4850 (mine went to +90° C until I changed the fan rate)
waste of money if you think about it ATI HD4870 is faster and cheaper.
Also your 19 inch screen doesnt need such a card. A card like 9600GT/8800GT/8800GTS/9800GTX/HD4850 would have been alot better. But if you plan on upgrading to 24" than its a good choice. But like other ppl said here HD4870 is better. I got both NVIDIA and ATI cards and i like them both.

But anyway still a good card doesnt matter how you look at it. But not my choice.
good choice, great card. can't complain about the 260 anyway
No the hd4870 isn't better. I have hd4850 now, I also saw hd4870 and gtx260 in action and I know that the gtx is better in nearly every game about 5-10%. And it's about the 'normal' card, toxic will have the one a bit overclocked + a nice game which he can sell or keep. And the lifetime guarantee is also a big + .
The 4850 outperforms the 260 in most tests and most reviews will lean quite definitively in the direction of the ATi
'Seeing them in action', you mean on identical test rigs under controlled conditions with matched variables?

I hadn't heard of the card Toxic mentioned so I had a look about.

Toxics card will outperform a standard 260 because of the manufacturers applied cooler and overclock. However a similarly modified 4870 will equal the performance of the the card he is talking about.

The difference in this case comes down to brand preference as performance-wise they are actually almost impossible to seperate.

The lifetime warranty is a good deal though, as long as the small print is sensible.
The 260 he bought would not have been my choice, but if it fits whathe is after and he's happy then thats all that matters :)
Some random benchmark from a Polish hardware site that isnt known.... mmm
This is more worthy benchmark from a well known international hardware site
didn't know that farcry, cod and fallout 3 are random, k
" site that isnt known " - biggest polish site about PCs :DDDDDDDD


there are many sites with many test and many scores so posting them is pointless
still not internationly known and not many benchmarks.

quite:there are many sites with many test and many scores so posting them is pointless

Why did you posted your polish benchmarksite in the first place than?
I wasn't first, it was jnO who did it ;)
Oh yes i didnt read his comment.
The clocks aren't equal

that is NOT true, the only reason for the HD to perform better is because COD4 is sensitive to memory
260GTX obliterate the hell out of Hd4850
OK, I exaggerated (a bit :D), but think about it. A 4850 is half the price of a 260 yet you drop maybe 10% frame rate. The 260 is, imo, overpriced and outclassed by it's ATi counterparts.

I changed from being an avid nVidia fanboi to using ATi very recently, as I feel the 4850 is bang for buck the best card on the market.
lifetime guarantee = commercial bullshit thing to make you buy... You'll never break (unvoluntarily) a graphic card in 10/15 years, and they won't reimburse you if someone steals it (lol) to you.

There's also a "plus" for advanced users with ATi -> you can easily overclock your graphic card alone with CCC.

"In action" of what ? Basing on what ?

The 4850 nearly manages to be "as good as" the GTX 260 (although she was made to be better than the 9800GTX)... whereas the HD4870 approaches the perfs of the GTX 280 (which ATi managed to "overcome" with their HD4870X2)
I know it's not rly like they write, you don't have to tell me it but it's still better then 2 years guarantee. I know that ATI wanted hd4850 to be nearly as good as gtx260 but it's not rly that close in performance. In action = in tests, in games and in overclocking
HD4850 should be compared to 9800GTX
HD4870 should be compared to GTX260
HD4870X2 should be compared to GTX280.
at the beginning it was like hd4850 vs gtx 260, and hd4870 vs gtx 280, that's what the officialy said and promised :)
haha your joking right.
A card of 140 euros vs a card thats above 250 euros.
A card from 200 euros vs a card thats around 400 euros.
That doesnt sound right does it?
Look at the internet before you write stupid comments.
I looked on the internet befor this cards were in shops. Look what I wrote then comment again, It wasn't me who said that but it was ATI, don't you get it? And it's not the topic about what to compare ( btw hd4870 - 231 euros, gtx280 370 ). People buy ati cards becouse they are cheaper if we compare them in scores/price but that doesn't mean toxic bought wrong card :)
Than you looked wrong, alot of ppl thought k HD4850 and HD4870 are coming out 2 new top cards from ATI. But they just forgot that the HD4870X2 thats coming out later is the top card.

And did i ever said he bought a wrong card?
i said its a good card but not the right one for him.
GTX260 for 19" inch is lol. You have to agree on that.
It was better to buy a card around 150 euros. ( Look what i recommed )
And the next year you buy another one of 150 euros. That way you allmost spend the same, but that next card will be alot faster than the GTX260.

And about prices i said around because they are alot of diff models. So i was right about prices.
yes about the monitor size you're right but that also give him ability to buy a fullhd monitor in the future, and we can't rly say if his motherboard have 2 slots for graphic card ( even if he have it can be only like 8x + 8x). Can't rly tell it with his profile info ;d
ye, thats why i asked him if he would upgrade to 24" because than it would be a good choice.
"not really that close" but still close !

and in benchmarks the HD4870 wins nearly everytime ! :D

but well, that's your taste, different than mine obviously :p
benchmarks != games
I know, I tested it on myself and I would also buy hd4870 but that doesn't mean that toxic took the wrong card :)
in fact, benchmarks = games :D
Does anyone else think oneofTHEM and toxic are the same user ?
we live simulatenously in poland and UK sherlock watson
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