the tesseract (book)

Could some1 tell me what the book is about ?
I can't find any summary's @ internet and i need to hold a presentation tomorow for english. The mark from the presentation counts pretty much so if any1 could help me telling what the book is about i would really appreciate it.

lol, cheater
The Tesseract is a 1998 English-language novel by Alex Garland. The story intertwines the lives of Manila gangsters, mothers and street children. The novel chronicles numerous characters in non-linear storylines and explores themes of love, adultery, fate, violence, power, and choices.

The term 'tesseract' is used for the three-dimensional net of the four-dimensional hypercube rather than the hypercube itself. It is a metaphor for the characters' inability to understand the causes behind the events which shape their lives: they can only visualize the superficial world they inhabit.[
thanks..could u find me some more ? perhaps how those characters get together ?
yeah if you get the book theres like a little summary on the pags
got the book..can't find a summary..only a small part @ the back which is only an introduction
find me a summary on the almighty google ..Like i didn't search for it.
I only found reviews
reviews will tell you what it is about
whats that : book?
Read the opening pages. Try to identify any foreshadowing/framing techniques which implicate themes [in the novel as a whole] and of post-modernism. I would concrete on the non-linear narrative structure which obviously links it to the title.

I can't give you any specific advice without seeing the text. Personally, I wouldn't bother turning up if I were in your situation. Save yourself - and your teacher & classmates - the embarrassment.
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