ventrilo & wine

hoi guys. :>

i'm using debian lenny with wine 1.1.9.

00:07.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP78S [GeForce 8200] High Definition Audio (rev a1)

mukmuk@debian:~$ cat /proc/asound/cards
0 [NVidia ]: HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia
HDA NVidia at 0xf9e78000 irq 21

afaik it should be an ALC888 chip...
is set up with
did test with the debian alsa packages, and building alsa from source
, no soundserver installed (didnt try soundservers yet).

sound is working quite well so far; i can hear mp3s, alsa-ET, flash videos and i can mix different programs (e.g. starting vlc, rhythmbox and totem at the same time) with sound, without any problem.

winecfg is fine too i guess, alsa and (alsa-)oss seem to work. but now, when i connect with vent 2.1.4, i can only hear one guy talking at the same time...

using google, asking at #wine etc. etc. but surprisingly i cant find anyone with the same problem. o0 i hope you can help me out. :<

thanks in advance!
hi2u M1C, cant rlz help, but im 1st:>
hi2u unknown soldier :D
how are you?
kinda annoyed and too lazy..tmorrow chemistry exam, friday vocab test bout 30pages of political vocabs-_-
leave that out and id be fine:> and you, sir?
except the sound issue mentioned above, quite nice. gl with your exams/tests :>
btw when are you going to finish your abi?
decided to repeat 12th grade:/
btw are you up for some irc's on friday or saturday if im home?my fps are a little more stable atm
saturday sounds nice... partying @ friday, my friend becomes an adult (kann man das eigentlich so sagen? o0) D:
*attains full age:>
but still better than become a rifle q:
linux nub <3
gimme wunderlösung. D:
dont hv :< and btw: i am teh linux nub xD so if u dont get i, i wont get it in 100 years :D
do you still have your ubuntu install? would be nice to test it with the pre-installed pulseaudio-thingie :D
hv ubuntu only on my laptop, but the laptop is standing right now @ laboratory @ uni.... pmme my tomorrow @ xfire when im home (around 7 pm) and we can try it :D
nevermind :> i'm going to test it with oss4 first... :P if it doenst work, i'll inform you ;>
imo oss4 sounds promising, just have to hope that my soundcard gets recognized D:
lesbian lenny? with wine? cool
Use Direct sound, thats the 1st thing i though of on ur issue, on the otherhand, on ubuntu (still debain based) i removed the ALSA and OSS sound system, removed all the crappy pulse audio stuff and installed OSS4, it worked pretty much seemlesly out of the box, even with et, without having to change a thing. Installed Vent using the Ventrilo install script that panda has the link to in a txt file. After that Vent worked ok, no hotkey though, only voice activation. Worked, thats the main thing.

ubuntu forums, search OSS4 how to. Should work with debain too.
nice, i'll take a look on that. thanks!
i'm wondering what this install script of ventrilo should do? i mean there is just the option to install it via wine, isnt it? :D
Its just a script that downloads wine, the .dlls needed, and configures wine correctly. Not neccesary, but thats how i did it.
oh, i see. thanks again!
np, goooooooooooood luck.
unfortunately oss4 didnt install well, it cant seem to find my soundcard. -,-
dont want to look any further in it, the sound issue is getting on my nerves since my debian intall (was somewhere in ~august). mh, i guess i have to wait again for some newer versions :<
Ah fuck, could always try reactOS if ur really against microsoft, all the functionality without the ms logo :D
ask meez, seriously, he had a linux related problem where he could only here one person at a time. However, dnu what version+type of linux and soundcard he has...
enable direct sound for the output
will try it, ty
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