
cod 4 or cod 5 is better buy atm? which one of them will have more cups in the future? in which of them there are more moniezzzz cups? or the best way is just to keep play shit till rtcw2 will be released.

image: halp
Clan base
on cb i see only cups for cod4 (because cod5 wasnt released yet) and some ladders for cod4 and ladder petitions only for cod5

so your comment isnt helpfull ;'(
like you will earn big money in gaming
i didnt say i will, just asked for amount of cups
The CoD community is a big mess at the moment. Some people is giving CoD:WaW a try, others stick with CoD4 and some have switched back to CoD2. Therefore it is really hard to say which one has "more moniezzzz cups".

Upcoming lans like Gamerland and CC5 have CoD4 as CoD game, whereas multiplay (the organisation behind i-Series) have announced that there will be a CoD:WaW tournament at i36 in April next year.
ok so which of these games will have more online cups in the future?
I just answered you that. It's a big mess... ergo, hard to predict
rtcw2 fosho
Polecam cod4 - moge; nawet sprzedac; jak nie masz :D W cod5 wywalaja z serwerów jak za bardzo bijesz :/ RTCW2 - wielka niewiadoma, tzn. jezeli nie bedzie to kontynuacja taka jak et:qw dla et to moze wypali :)
ty chyba najlepiej wiesz ze po OC etqw sie skonczy :p i eni wiem na co sie przerzucic- cod4/5/warsow/quakelive albo po prostu czekac na rtcw2? nie mam pojecia a chce w cos pograc gdzie nie bede musial czekac 30 minut na oponenta ;q
wsw - zajebista scena :)
unlike promod
Play Left 4 Dead! Its the solution
pam is better =] best mod yet
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