Bikkembergs shoes

Dear Crossfire,

I am angry. You might ask: Why? Short summary: Searched for awesome shoes, finally found awesome shoes, but the shop didn't have them in my size (EU 44, UK 10, US 11). That indeed pissed me off, but what made me become angry is the fact that I can't find them in my size on the internet. I had two choices: Either I kill myself or I post a Crossfire journal hoping that somebody can help me by providing a possibility to buy the shoes. I chose the latter.

Unfortunately, I don't even know the official name of the model I search for. :'( All I know is that they are Dirk Bikkembergs. There are two versions, both are fine for me. Here are the pics:

image: bikkembergs1

image: bikkembergs2

The person that can help me to buy these shoes will be my personal hero. I know it's not likely, but at least I tried everything.
well you should've taken the other solution imo
very bad comment... srsly. why did you go for the obvious joke instead of being more creative?
Imo you comment was even worse when you said your first option was to kill yourself. I give JZaK a +1.
My journal entry was bad on purpose so it gets more attention. Therefore I win.
Yup you got what you wanted, doesn't make JKaZ's comment not creative.
these shoes are for Johnny kakkinderen with a full pot of snot on their head

plus een voor den deze
ja echt e, ik heb mij kapot gelache met 'Patrik jumpt in politie kantoor'
shit shoes
shitty shoes srsly
bikkembergs are so 2005
!! d.devil hi at : )
they fucking ugly
Really dislike them, srry.
And cba to search for you :)
strange flavour
like crossfire cares :XD
I hate bikkembergs
This is so super awesome! Thank you so much! You're great <3
kill yourself
blame punkbuster

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