Google translator test & UT question

Played nobody Unreal Tournament? If you play so can you tell if there was a big game and the community they afraid it is still active? Need to download a lot of crap so you can play online? What UT is the most popular?

P.s. In this feeling just google translator.
i like your style!
Everybody's playing Unreal Tournament? In this case, if you have a big game, is still active in the community was afraid to play? You can play online, so many of the bowel may need to download? Utah is the most popular?
hardly makes any sense!
i played ut2003 and 2004 a quite long time
I have UT anthology, but I do not mind all those games when you install the end disk space, and so kept to know what they played most...
i just translated your text to french, then to dutch, polish, then to german and in the end back to english and see what i got:

I UT anthology, but I do not believe that all these games, where it runs from space on the disk and so guarded, he played more ...
rofl makes perfect sense!
ut2004 is most played atm, then the original, then UT3
just told the the translator to translate from german "i fuck your whole generation you piece of shit" to english:

"I fuck your whole generational piece you shit"
"i fuck your whole generation you piece of shit"

english -> finnish -> Danish -> Spanish -> German -> ENGLISH

I damn an entire generation of bastard

you hate me, dont ya?
I have UT99 and 2004 UT played extensively at me but can not remember significant mods. There were, however, a mod with vehicles was quite good.

Olen ollut laajasti UT99 ja UT 2004, mutta en voi muistaa, ei Mods. Siellä oli kuitenkin mod kanssa ajoneuvoja, jotka oli melko hyvä.
its called ETQW
Quote by Google translatorYou've obviously not understood what he meant. Although his english so clearly seems to understand.
2004 <3
The waiter looked out and saw how the polar bear collapsed under the weight of the financial crisis. In his mouth he had a calculator. Few will envy the waiter in the face of this tragedy.
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