*ATTENTION* More Info on the "fusenlist" *ATTENTION*

Ok, I need some info from you nerds which computer to choose.

1st one, costs €829.- (some 1 week sale)

Processor: E8400 CORE2D 3.0GHZ 1333/6M S775

GFX Card: HD 4850 PCIE 512M GDDR-3 256-BIT

Ram: 2GB 800MHZ DDR2

Hard disk: F1 500GB 3.5" SATAII 7200RPM 16MB

Only added the most 'relevant' info on the pc's.

2nd one, costs €1199,-

Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2,40 8MB L2 Intel MCP55

Ram: 4GB 800MHZ DDR2

GFX Card: 2x Nvidia GeForce 9800GT SLI

Hard disk: 640GB S-ATA 7 200RPM


So, 400€ between the pc's. Is the second pc worth it? Will it service me so much longer it's worth it? I know games dont support Quad-core technology yet, but maybe when rtcw2 comes ^^ or is that too outdated then?

Need answers :'''''''((
I'd definitely get the first one.
info from nerds ?

sorry can't help
First one is enough :)
Seriously, nobody cares what pc you buy.
You kinda missed the point
Wasn't expecting anything more from a idiot like you.
Have fun with you new pc, fag.
how fucking stupid you are?
fucking idiot, dont mess with donka..
you think you are some kind of bodybuilder XD ur just a fucking rope XDDDDDDDDD
after reading some journals, you think you know everything about bodybuilding and stuff, its fucking pathetic
Who the fuck mentioned bodybuilding, you or me ? Who said i know everything?
go away, seriously =/
Ok, master.
Quote by nonix Seriously, nobody cares what pc you buy.

image: stupidgh5

idd, xfire has idiots..
i was obviously joking so that pic is lame! or do i miss the point now
yes you are missing the point.
Agreed with you the pic is epic fail
like i would think that calcium iz drugz :D
who the fuck mentioned if people cared about which pc im gonna purchase.
"Ok, I need some info from you nerds which computer to choose."
Hahahahaa nonix feels offend:---D
nothing about caring.
dude are you really so stupid to think i meant that serious :DDD your even more stupid then i tought. u do seen so pathetic that u have to prove im stupid over the internet. get a life!
You are really good at making jokes I guess.
u are just too serious, prolly because your life sucks your flaming everyone.
Did I "flame" anyone here? Can you read ? I just dont want to read pointless journals like "what pc to buy", do yo get it or you lost your brain in the disco?
haha u want to read interesting journals on xfire :D well i have to admit that is pretty pathetic
Indeed, there is only stupid journals.
i come lan i beat u up motherfucker
u laugh now i laugh lan.
Yyh I guess I would afraid of a 18 years old fat finnish kid :-)
u call me fat now, i call you fat lan
What team you play for ?

i jsut come to beat u up
what ever you can aford :)
both, but i would rather use the 400€ on something else if i can go with the cheaper one.
the first one can support most, the second one is just stupid unless ur doin graphic work i suppose etc....

spend 400 on sumin else and go first!
thats what i thought, but i was just wondering about the lifespan of these.
I have almost excatly the same as your first option, so go for it!! (i have 4gb ram)
homo, queryy mua ircis doNKA_ ois pari kysymystä.
The lifespan will be the same, even if you buy a better comp or not. You still will need to replace things on both of them computers sooner or later!
oh btw make sure u get decent RAM, mine is fucked after 1 year :x
was thinking of going 4gb kingston 1066mhz, what do you think about that?
Yeah kingston have always been a decent RAM provider... 4 GB is what im getting next

maybe check out this: http://www.ebuyer.com/product/130429/show_product_specifications#specifications
first one is good enough
the first one
go and try to pick one yourself with your retarded mind.
second w/o SLi shit. HD4850/70 will do the job and take a look for memory (unknown brands might suck). I wouldn't buy a bundled PC since they are huge backstab atleast in our shops (weird PSU, memory or some outdated shit..)
fine imo, but get 1066mhz ram
ye sure, the 3-5€ more for them is bullshit. fuck off
so tell me why are they better, bcuz higher frequencies doesn't mean anything
if the ram is too slow it'll create a bottleneck for the processor.

leading to decrease in performance.
ye thats true but he was talking about huge differences between 800mhz and 1066mhz
Ah right, I said that.. gtfo
QuoteThe 1066mhz will only allow you to overclock further but will not yeild better results for the ram. If you really plan on overclocking your processor to the max then it is possible that 1066 ram will help in that area. I purchased the pc-8500 as I quite an extreme overclocker and I love it.

u should
Go google memory benchmarks or sth instead of quoting some noname on a forum that prolly just has enough money to brag about 5ghz OC's on some peon forum.. fuckin care tbh..

Ya know if you'd use that pea brain or yours you might have came to the conclusion that the prices are so similar there's no reason not to take 1066/1150/1200 but instead you choose to come on to me like Jesus and put twisted words in my mouth by saying " I was talking about a huge difference" even tho I didn't even say anything, wp dumbass!

My point was that buying 800 ram is pointless when 1066 costs like 5€ more or even the same and eventually if you wanna OC a e8400 and still wan't decent mem speeds it's the better choice.. SO just leave me the fuck alone, go lay words in your mothers mouth or whoever you do it too so that you feel good about being narrow minded.. bb

Corsair with Dominator Heatsink PC8500
Corsair with DHX heatsink PC6400 CL4

Geil Dragon PC6400 CL4
Geil Dragon PC8500

Mushkin Black PC6400
Mushkin Black PC8500

QuoteThat 1066 FSB on the CPU is misleading. To take the real FSB of that CPU you must divide that number by 4. This gives you a speed of 267. The Q6600 will run at a FSB of 267 and a multiplier of 9. 267*9 = 2.4Ghz which is the rated speed of the CPU. This means if you aren't OCing and you want your memory to run at a 1:1 ratio with your FSB you need DDR2-533 memory. DDR2 memory doubles the data rate so you take that 533 and divide it by 2 to get 267. So you only really need to use PC4200 memory if you want.

DDR2-800, or PC6400 memory appears to be the sweetspot in memory right now with price/performance and you can find good 4-4-4-12 latency DDR2-800 memory really cheap. So I would just go grab some of that, especially if you plan on OCing. DDR2-1066 memory would be quite a waste of money, and probably performance since it would be underclocked and would have higher latency.

Quote8500 will allow you a higher cpu oc with 1:1 ratio

I don't think memory alone will make more than 2 seconds difference ,
But its all really cheap now so you might as well buy some 8000/8500

hmm 20€ for 2sec.. OK!

QuoteWith the 800 MHz and that processor's 9x multi, you're set right up to a 3.6 GHz overclock (if you want). And quite often, those 1066 MHz sets are just 800's with more voltage and looser timings.

If you not that concerned about serious overclocking, the extra cost associated with the 1066 MHz RAM, compared to it's VERY SLIGHT performance increase, probably isn't what you're looking for.

I'd suggest you to read this review:

I will leave you alone when i will want to! So people all around those forums are talking bullshit and they don't know a damn shit about ram frequencies at all. It is a known thing about PC8500 chips, that they are good to buy in case if you are an extreme overclocker. But please he wanted to buy a bundled PC!! (I bet he is an awesome overclocker).
Nice overpriced noob shop, wasn't actually talkin about 4gb kits but they are for 4gb is ~ 8-12€ extra, in a decent shop that is. The 2gb kits are like 5€ apart.. The fact that you buy you're hardare in such an overpriced nub shop tells me enough, didn't even read the reviews cuz I don't care, "I just know" stop replying to me plz, you're never gonna get anywhere with me..
ok so please show me your non-overpriced shop! I copied some facts which are not coming out of my head and you are still saying that they are complete bullshit. Ok i am not standing 100% behind that facts but if you are such an expert please atleast show me some decent proofs.
2x2048MB Kit OCZ Reaper HPC 800MHz CL4 61€
2x2048MB Kit OCZ Reaper HPC 1066MHz CL5 70€

2x1024MB Kit Kingston HyperX 1066MHz CL5 38€
2x1024MB Kit Kingston HyperX 800MHz CL5 38€

didn't u say 5€? But ok 4€ more isn't that much either, would be cool to see other brands since the prices in OCZ 800mhz and 1066mhz class are close on hoh.de too. And 2x1GB aren't cool if you are buying 4GB combo (dual chan), but in 2GB case i agree with you.
well the benchmarks from 800 to 1066 make about 3% so you could say that there's not much difference but considering the prices it's not really wise to buy 800 ram, but it's not really stupid either. 800 will do fine for the normal overclocker tho not enough mhz can bottleneck the cpu as donka said. I don't know any specific reasons why but for example on my 4200+ amd I got 90 more fps when I overclocked my ram from 200mhz to 280mhz. So it does do something. And I'm guessing it's the same for ddr2, especially when you have a good cpu..
can agree on that, but still can't get this with ram o/c, atleast afaik ram changes doesn't mean much in ET since its CPU based game. Probably he won't overclock this rig, so bcuz of that i wanted to point out 800mhz as a better choice (ofc 1066 still isn't bad one but it will only deliver some good result with overclocking)
I don't think he wants to build that kind of pc just for ET since a cheap pentium dual core, or amd chip would be enough for ET. e8400 doesn't really need to be overclocked atm afaik but eventually if it's needed and the money is tight, everyone overclocks :X
lol take teh second :D if u have money, you should buy the better one :P
I could get the same but much cheaper.. british companies though.
just did some research, and found out the 1st one is actually overpriced, not bothering with 2nd one anymore.
both overpriced...
If you have a decent screen then you definitely need to get the second one.
you should take the 8600GT, it's much better, and also an AMD athlon aswell, ull be able to max out everything
fuck you nerd, buy yourself a car, not a computer

fuck you !!!
the first one
first one for sure.
The first set-up.

The 4850 is a superb card and will run anythign available now and I am sure will cope perfectly well for the foreseeable future.

The 8400 is a great processor, good stable overclocking should you decide to.

Make sure it comes with a decent PSU.
buy the second one because it has a bigger ;hard disk
more room for porn?
u dont need that pc.. bots are working on win 98 np
Seriously, nobody cares what pc you buy.

(please flame me)
why do you think i asked him to flame me :(
i wanted to start a flame fest
go eat a diet you !
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