
Since ive been the gym ive been on pro shakes as you can see by the results:

image: 3075797b15c16b373711efdfdc18b46293b4dbf

Hows your GYM practise going? :D:D
fine, thanks for asking :XD
i spent the whole day playing guitar instead of doing maths :<
man fuck, I was learning a song and got raged to shit

so I went to chill out by doing some integration, good shit, came back and it was so much easier

math is so relaxing
I play guitar when I get stuck at math, not the opposite :X
meez, you are from fucking England
i EXTREMLEY doubt that you were taught to say math<--- not maths<----
I don't think I was ever taught how to say math? I don't understand... I didn't say maths.
what i mean is that in the UK you get taught MATHS and not MATH
the americans say math, just wondering why you typed math not maths when
you have clearly been taught to say maths instead of math because in school
you get taught MATHS xD
I've always called it math.

If it's about the lesson, I will say, eg, "do we have maths next?" or "done your maths homework?" but if I'm refering to actually doing math, then it's math. I don't know why, it just doesn't sound right to say "oh yeah I was doing maths"
that just doesnt make sense XD
why would you change the word when you are still talking about exactly the same topic
probably because of retarded school administrators and teachers who refer to the lessons as maths
you sir must jokeing ? yes
check the edges at the neck
so you tryng to say the head is not tekno? :OOOO<
greg valentino if i recall correctly
jeh the nice synthol arms
Synthol? No fraking way...
ugliest people on earth trying to become sexy
.. epic fail
Nice pout
i cant go to gym with my wheelchair
Shakes / Supplements are just useless for no professional Bodybuilding peoples.. If you eat good and much, you can get your protein's from food... There is just money issues behind Supplements if your not a professional Bodybuilder...

The Worst thing you can do is to Isolate your Muscles that you dont want to Train... Thats what most Bodybuilders do, and most people dont care about that because they just want the "Bodylook"... Bodybuilders have their bodybuilding Trainingplans. Athlets have their Athletic Plans. Fighter have their FighterPlans.. And most doing "nosport's" People stick to that Bodybuilding-Shit.. And that is totaly Bullshit if they dont want to look like Arnold.

"Can a Bodybuilder lift their own weight?" I expect no.
"Whats more usefull if you try to run away from something. Climbing on something, or Muscles that look powerfull with no use"

Im Using a 5x5 Training-Plan, including MilitaryPresses,Dips etc. I got that Plan from a good Friend of mine, which is a Nerd of Sport and Fighting. He's writing a Book at this time, and really knows what he's talking about. Theres much more , like Conditioning, Explosiv Sets etc etc.

If i hadnt wasted my 7 Months of Isolating Muscles, i would have the Body that ive ever desired in that Time for 100%.. (also if im a Hardgainer) ;- )

wise guy
rofl, everyone1 kows that
+ at start u should only try to isolate certain muscles after a workout.
Failed. Read again
Shakes are good for fast recovery after a work out. It's very fast to put together and easy to bring with you. However as you say most beginners believe they can skip their dinners and live on supplements. It's just because they dont understand what it is that makes them grow.

And I have yet to see a bodybuilder who cant lift his own body weight in any of the big 3. It's just pure ignorance from your side on that matter.

Who trains to "run away from something", people just want to look a bit more in shape, accept that. Neither huge size nor impressive strength is important in todays society still you feel that you have to talk down on those focusing on the one extreme that you're not into.

Thats my rant, you're still very correct about the mistakes most if not all beginners do.
he didnt tell the mistakes, he is nob
I want more journals like this. It combines my only two interests - beeing a besserwisser and lifting weights.
i never seen a real bodybuilder doing climbs.. because they dont need them.. But i also belief that they wouldnt do more than one or twice.

My Rant:

1. Functionality - 2. Condition - 3. Look

Bodybuilders Rant:

1. Look - 2. Condition maybe - 3. Functionality

I just wanted to show him that there are other Methods to Gain Muscles as byproduct.. But in my Situation, the functionality is on the First place.

Btw. did you saw the Training-Plan that the Actors of "300" have used? Friend of mine just tried it out, but failed on the massiv Diet.. They use Kettlebells 'n stuff, but im not into that at the time.

Anyway, time to go out : )
i dont understand ur point whats wrong with all that bodybuilders?

plz dont call a bodybuilder someone, who trains 6 months and knows shit about
Been lots of talk and lots of claimed training plans from the 300 production but I dont know which one that would be the real one. From what I've heard they never did the same work out twice.

People dont talk about the make up and digital effects in that movie. I've never seen so many people with symmetrical abs before. =)
see ya in 7 months
"And I have yet to see a bodybuilder who cant lift his own body weight in any of the big 3. It's just pure ignorance from your side on that matter."

So you say that a body builder cant lift his own wheight? thats just bizzarre...
dude, it was a Lotix saying that

and yes, u didnt get his point
hi there sexy <3
looks very convincing, i'm sure its you!
pro shakes are for noobs
smooth boy !
n00n could take match your size xDD
synthol Opfa
I just dont get what people dislike in creatine..
If you eat normally, meat and stuff you will allways get the creatine your body needs.
Actually meat contains creatine.. Not much but if i remember right normal meat eater gets 5g of creatine every day from food..
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