xp professional

as anyone got a key for me to borrow, need to repair an installation and its asking for a product key!

QuoteI decided to install Windows XP(wanted to palypaly some windoze gamez) to my unused 20gig partition on my laptop. I fire up TinyXP rev 09, all seems cool, but when i select the partition it tells me "there are no Windows XP compatible partition on your harddrive".
So I think OK, nevermind then, and reboot. But it turned out that Windows XP is worse then a jealous ex and ran away with my bootsector. So when I rebooted, it booted straight into my recovery partition instead of Linux :(

Up and running again now though, but what a fucked up installer that is..

I do have a kvm install too, but i wanted working accellerated graphics!
everybody knows that modern games suck!
Ya, bootloaders > modern games at least!
first time fucking around with virtual machines

edit: and shit just crashed on me after installing XP

bash-3.2# /etc/rc.d/vmware stop
:: Stopping VMware Server [BUSY]
Try KVM!
It's fast and easy to use
image: Skjermdump
Wtf is that GUI shit?
GL anyways
I just want to try playing some fucking O2Jam, I'll read the manpages later

Also, your weechat lacks some /window splith ownage

edit: total thread hijack :D
Idd, too lazy to hax my weechat properly :<

BRB, need to buy some beers
compile your kernel, drunk
I compiled my server kernel from school over ssh and rebooted, and it worked on the first try eventhough it was the first time i compiled it for that computer o/

Hijacking a winXP thread to talk linuxgeekstuff = win btw
your both cunts for talking linux here, especially since it seems you both need windows right now, ultimate humility :P
no, my clients need windows
should also be possible "soon" with kvm if your hardware supports it (iommu, only found on some server-boards atm, but soon coming to budget-mobos).
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