image blocker

srsly which image blocker do you use? i got ad block plus and its shit. when i right click on the banner it doesnt shows option to adblock it....

also how was your day? any plans to go out? i will probably stay home tonight cuz its snowing like hell. Tomorrow i am invited to birthday so it will be nice i guess.

anyway enjoy your weekend. Thx in advance.

greetz b1bub4bu
hmm had some firefox addon, but I don't remember which was it..
me going out to freeze outside and to drink some wine :D
it started to snow in Maribor too, so I'm expecting a pretty shitty evening
command line webbrowser, an attempt to be geekier than Meez!
How do you run it?
Get linux, install 'links', and run it in a terminal
Then that's some strange version of adblock you've got there.
outpost works properly, i don't have any spam @ xfire main logo, neither at left side

image: outpsssst
how to remove it?
it's outpost firewall like i said.
Warning: mysqli::mysqli() [function.mysqli-mysqli]: (HY000/1135): Can't create a new thread (errno 12); if you are not out of available memory, you can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent bug in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\adserver\includes\booksession.php on line 37
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