C++ lessons.

Want some good tutorials for C++, share your e-books :). examples pwease.


I have C, C#, VB, ASP etc... I want C++ please.
If you can program in C then Cpp isnt such a big deal, just learn how OOP works
C++ pleaasseee :), I know a lot about programming, I just want something cool to make :).
u wont if u a such a dawdling to search for a ebook urself.
don't mean to be rude, but you should reconsider your 'i know a lot about programming' statement. trust me, you don't. anyone who 'knows a lot', will adapt any language very relatively fast and won't look for this kind of help. especially if you 'know' C, and need to learn C++, which is very similar

learn one language properly, it will be much more worth it than living in an illusion of KNOWING, let me quote you, 'C, C#, VB, ASP etc'
I asked for examples on what to make, I'm struck out of ideas, I wanted to see some code of other peoples.

I asked for tutorials to widen my knowledge, I know I don't know everything, but I'm pretty certain I have the basis for each language.

9 years of learning is enough for this.
Properly understanding OOP is a must for writing good C++.
By properly understanding i mean more than finding out what a "class" is.

Templates, late binding, polymorphism, aaah...<3

I download a tutorial to make a wallhack but I had to stop after 3pages! Tutorial was too difficult :o
i can teach u some java :)
nerds report here
http://www.cplusplus.com/ , there are lots of stuff , should enough for beginning
who needs ebooks lol... u have 100 tutorials online.
learn delphi
i have some books in hebrew :(
C++ smells shit... But i can't help you sorry.
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