Mumbai :/

Just came back. Jesus, that murder mystery weekend was a bit over the top.


Edit: For the clueless of you, it was a JOKE
Did you find out who did it?
I can give a hint: it was a NIGGER
suprise suprise
they refused to let Sayeret Matkal help them :(
wouldn't want them either
you germans refused the same in munich...

lolwut de ja vu mumbai-munich
ohhh funny you mention the famous german gsg9
after munich major failure germany decided they need a real ctu

and lol whats that?

the israeli swat trained the gsg9 about CT warfare :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
ppl learn out of their failures.

possibly they did, so what ;)
yes you are right
and im happy that you said that :D

the formar mossad agent once said

an agency that dont have failures, means they do nothing !

but india have so many terror attack, you could atlist expect them to have a good ctu D:

and germany could prevent munich if they could let us do the job :'(

just for you to know that munich and mumbai are the same :o

the forces didnt work soon as possible with no mercy
the problem in munich was, there were no trained police snipers, or even specialized sniper weapons. they were ordinary police men with altered assault rifles
there were trained snipers available, but only for the german army whose deployement in the interior was forbidden by the german constitution
yes i know, i read lots of books and i understand but that was not the main problem
btw if im not mistaken the gsg9 belong to the boarder guerds and not the army cuz if they were the army they cant be inside germany hmhmmh D: was long time ago when i read that book :D

but the big mistake was the tactical mistake
why sending untrained police men, when you had the israeli special forces just waiting for the germans to say "go go go" :(

also in hostage situation you must act fast as you can
it wasnt fast :(
well, the gsg9 belongs to the boarder guard, but they were established after and because of what happend in munich

as i said, countries dont want other countries to help them, because of arrogant prestige reasons

and i think they simply had no clue what to do in this situation, because it was the first terroristic act in germany and especially because they were israeli
look at him
image: yamam
image: uzi

how can you say no to them :'(
politics dont work like you want them to do :p
well all i can say
we fucking owned them in munich assasinations :D

and i must say :(
we trained you well
im proud :'(((

good day my german friend D:
not everybody killed in this operations was guilty tbh

bb :)
i wish i could find that documantary movie for you :'(
Quotejust for you to know that munich and mumbai are the same :o

You're so unbelievably ignorant it's not even funny.
lets see
untrained forces
too much time=result in 0% for the hostages to stay alive
media report where are the snipers and forces located
want more?
Can you not even comprehend the complexity of the situation?

India is a huge country. There's the logistical delay between an event happening and the special forces attending - it was six hours.

This was no 'usual' terrorist scenario. They're not interested in negotiating - they didn't once make contact, or give demands. Their sole purpose was to kill innocent people, and incite hatred against (Indian) Muslims. They also deliberately targeted Western (American, British and Israeli) holiday-makers to make a political point.

This has got absolutely nothing to do with poorly trained commando's. The CIA has tracked a number of state-sponsored (ISI) terrorist attacks in India back to Islamabad. The situation between India and Pakistan is already bad enough – especially with the recent American trip over the Pakistani border – without India being heavy-handed with terrorists.
lol wtf is the connection :DDDDDDDDD
Quotejust for you to know that munich and mumbai are the same :o

Even if you're being deliberately dumb there's no connection, and that's the point!

Arab terrorists killing some Jews in Germany.
Pakistani terrorists killing Indians as well as Western tourists in India.

I can totally see the connection.
im talking about the tactical situation you retard

there is a hhhhhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggeeeeeeeeee connection
both made the same mistakes

its funny how you force yourself to accept everything im saying and its clearly you are wrong here D:
QuoteCan you not even comprehend the complexity of the situation?

India is a huge country. There's the logistical delay between an event happening and the special forces attending - it was six hours.

This was no 'usual' terrorist scenario. They're not interested in negotiating - they didn't once make contact, or give demands. Their sole purpose was to kill innocent people, and incite hatred against (Indian) Muslims. They also deliberately targeted Western (American, British and Israeli) holiday-makers to make a political point.

This has got absolutely nothing to do with poorly trained commando's. The CIA has tracked a number of state-sponsored (ISI) terrorist attacks in India back to Islamabad. The situation between India and Pakistan is already bad enough – especially with the recent American trip over the Pakistani border – without India being heavy-handed with terrorists.

Arab terrorists killing some Jews in Germany. - Clear political objective and a willingness to negotiate.

Pakistani terrorists killing Indians as well as Western tourists in India. - No interest in negotiation. Their objective was to kill and eventually be killed.

you do realize that tactical is how they manage to solve the terrorist attacks? :x
Yes, I do. But, how can you make the same sort of comparisons when one set of terrorists has no interest in preserving their life; no 'real' political interest [i.e. they're not open to negotiation]; and they give the Indians no time to prevent casualties? These sorts of attacks can never end 'well'. It's merely a case of damage limitation.

You're Israeli and should know better.
the indians had 3 days to solve it out
3 fucking days
im not talking about the situations where the terrorists bomb everything and shot
im talking about the case where there were hostages !!!
you failed to understand this !!!
You fail to understand the difficulty in dealing with terrorists like these. The time taken is irrelevant.
the time taken is fucking relevent !!!
beside if you are so insist about the time issues, there are many other factors that are the same :D

why cant we have a nice debate :(
and stop with all those english scrolls you are writing D:
well, before munich there was no need for such a counter-terrorist force
but dont you agree that maybe in the future they would need it? :(((
and why couldnt them let sayeret matkal fight this :()

btw im not angry or anything :p
also im not angry on you but those things are history

after munich, there were lots of mossad assasinations all around the world as payback
in germany also
ye well, at that time they couldnt forsee this :p but i agree with you
'and why couldnt them let sayeret matkal fight this :()' look what I've written above :p
you remember by any chance what happened some time back in the israeli embassy in germany?
hum i dont think so,i know some things but i'm not really into that business at all^^
this time we shoot without asking you germans :D
you said we act well :~>
well i've just read about it and it seems like there were strange things going on this day...
are you thinking about what im thinking? :o
i dont know what you're thinking about,explain
hot chocolate jakuzi with hot german girls :~>
lol :D
who's the girl in your profile btw?israeli model?
bar and moran are israeli fo sho :~>
bar is very pretty,especially her eyes
aschkenasim i'd say by her looks?
yes lol how do you know that ? :DDDDD
like me ^o^

she chosen as the number 2 most sexiest woman in the world D:
because she looks very northern european, she could easily be reckoned as a german or dutch :p
(freckles,light hair,blue eyes)
what ppl dont know :8
they think all israelis are brown with mustesch and black hair D:
but most of israel are european jews who came to israel after the holecaust
when i was young i had blonde hair ^o^
but the sun burn it D:

but fuck the women here are fucking hot :D
and the ratio of beautiful-ugly women is in favour to the beautiful :>

in my profile there are some youtube links you can watch :D
well its retarded to think there was no intermixture despite the fact that jews lived in europe for like at least 1.700 years :p

good for you,here in germany its the other way round i think :D
no way :'(((
no hot german blonde girls? :'****
what about schnee? :XD
i didnt say there are no beautiful german girls, i said there are more ugly than beautiful ones :P
ofc there are very beautiful german girls :D
good good
saw pictures from the police forces who secure the stadium when there is a football match

lol :P
you're very into blond girls right?
prefer black hair for women :)
more sexual :o
oh :P
well i personally prefer blondes, dunno why, they look prettier to me
although black haired women have something "exotic" ^^
what i rly want in a girl
is her eyes =)))

i want eyes that i will feel she can see trough me :D
agreed, thats very very sexy
what eye color you "prefer"
but we dont get our girl by order =)

i have eyes that changed color :XD
in dark brown
in light color of honey
true :P though i prefer blue and green

my eyes are undefinable, they are like light brown-green and some yellow flecks o_O

anyways, i'm out for watching some movie m8,cya
guten night
enjoy :~>
hehe, it's gute nacht
and i've just recognized its saturday and since i'm living in a fucking village the next bus is only moving out of here at 8.51 pm xD

dont you have a car? :(
or friend with a car?

next time download ;)
well,in germany you are allowed to drive at the age of 18 and since i'm 17... :p
and the friends i'm gonna visit are 17 as well :S
if i wouldnt be as lazy as i am and if it wouldnt be so cold i'd take my bike^^
well the alternative is as good as watching a movie with them :D
you talking with me :X

so girls...

imo you must physical attraction and personality attarction :>>>

she must be hot and not dumb

the look make you come to her but with her smart you will keep her :o)
agreed, many girls are hot, but they're fucking dumb as well, i hate such girls :S
hot and intelligent is very rare imo
thats a keeper :D

mental attraction :'(

'where have all the good men gone and where are all the gods...i need a hero !' :D
very nice song indeed :D
anyway, i'll do my second try now xD have fun whatever your doing tonight :P
shalom! <3
tonight i sleep !
tomorrow work
haha! tomorrow its the last day of our week, so no work for us :P
im at work atm
doing nothing !
what are you working?^^
except from doing nothing
i fucking do nothing !!!

all day, im eating and drinking
today even was a party here :XDDDDDDDDDD
a worker left the facility so there was food drinks

im talking with the workers, telling jokes
and from time to time i copy some files :D

you have to understand, when you work
first day you test the area
see if you can fool around

now that i see i can fool around im fucking fooling around 8D
lol lazy bastard :D hf @ doing nothing then^^
from time to time i copy papers :DDD
i hope i can do that for the next couple of months ^_^
so far im the most efficient in my work :D
so when this will be over, i will work in other department
in the reaserch department doing cool stuff and challanging !
lucky you,gaining money,i'm still going to school :P
i also worked few hours when i was at school D:
now im waiting to army so im working ^o^
well, its only this year and the next,afterwards i'm probably going to army and then we'll see, maybe university :p
maybe you will train in israel :D
lol i doubt it :P
if i could only find the famous picture :D
of female israeli soldier, teaching german soldier how to snipe :o))))
damn she was hot D:
soon im off to home :>>>
punch the clock !
no country lets foreign special forces in their country
thats not true

in 1981, a high rank nato officer general james dozye (donno how to write that D:)
was held hostage by terrorists in italy
well i might be wrong but i think the american delta force rescue him
or the italy

but i know for sure that in 1980, the saudin couldnt control terrorists who attack on their land
so they called for help from germany swat to help them
in mekka
there is a funny story about that :D
since its the most holy place for muslims, only muslims can go there :D
so they "muslimize the german forces" :DDDDDDD

also the eygpt task force 777 worked in kyprise in 78'
and on 85' in malta WAS EVEN A BIGGER FAILURE 85 were killed

so you have to say "no arrogent country who cant admit they sux" :XD
americans don't ask, they just do ;D
they asked !!!
whats that
you were there?

pictures for those who are interested D:
Joking about an incident in which nearly 200 people got killed and twice more injured !
arrogance is Skydeh
mental retardation more likely
Get a fucking sense of humor you moron.
Okay if I don't find this "joke" funny excuse me for not having a sense of humour. Perhaps you need to re-consider what's funny and what is not.
Ok. I've taken the time to consider, and I've concluded that this joke is indeed funny.
You clearly don't get out much if you call that having a sense of humour.
haha, and i suppose your ideal joke is "Why did the chicken cross the road"
That's not my ideal joke. You don't know me, don't respond.
Your copy and paste skills are top!

(I removed the comment so you didn't cry, but your did)
loooooooooooooololololl0l0lol skydeh pulled a funny
fuckin retard
I don't really get the funny part. Care to explain??
i laughed my ass off..
sick shit. but if u cant laugh, what else can you do
Talk about delayed reaction :D
just seen the msg and replied :X
god, why are there so many stupid people in the uk :'(
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