nic3 cfg

i know there are much journals about cfgs and stuff but nvm i only wanna know wich cfg u prefer me
b_althud "2"
b_althudflags "6"
b_antilag "1"
b_backupcvars "0"
b_chatalpha "0"
b_chatsounds "0"
b_drawpromotions "0"
b_drawranks "0"
b_drawrewards "0"
b_drawspectatoralpha "0"
b_drawspeed "0"
b_fireteamalpha "1"
b_fireteamlatchedclass "1"
b_hitsounds "1"
b_hudyoffset "0"
b_logbanners "0"
b_mapzoom "3.65"
b_muzzleflash "0"
b_noactivatelean "1"
b_numpopups "5"
b_optimizeprediction "1"
b_popupfadeTime "0"
b_popupstayTime "1000"
b_popupTime "0"
b_simpleitems "1"
b_tracers "0"
b_watermarkalpha "0"
cg_atmosphericeffects "0"
cg_autoaction "1"
cg_autoreload "0"
cg_blooddamageblend "0"
cg_bloodflash "0"
cg_bloodtime "0"
cg_bobpitch "0"
cg_bobroll "0"
cg_bobup "0"
cg_bobyaw "0"
cg_brasstime "0"
cg_centertime "0.5"
cg_complaintpopup "0"
cg_coronas "0"
cg_crosshaircolor "cyan"
cg_crosshairhealth "0"
cg_crosshairpulse "0"
cg_crosshairsize "48"
cg_cursorhints "0"
cg_drawcrosshair "5"
cg_drawfps "1"
cg_drawgun "0"
cg_drawsmallpopupicons "1"
cg_drawspreadscale "0"
cg_drawweaponiconflash "0"
cg_fov "90"
cg_gibs "0"
cg_marktime "0"
cg_noammoautoswitch "0"
cg_novoicechats "0"
cg_novoicetext "0"
cg_popuplimbomenu "0"
cg_printobjectiveinfo "0"
cg_recording_statusline "0"
cg_runpitch "0"
cg_runroll "0"
cg_shadows "0"
cg_showblood "0"
cg_teamchatheight "3"
cg_teamchatsonly "0"
cg_weaponcycledelay "0"
cg_wolfparticles "0"
cl_allowdownload "0"
cl_autoupdate "0"
cl_doubletapdelay "0"
cl_maxpackets "100"
cl_mouseaccel "0"
cl_packetdup "0"
com_hunkmegs "512"
com_introplayed "1"
com_maxfps "125"
com_recommendedset "1"
com_soundmegs "128"
com_zonemegs "32"
logfile "0"
m_pitch "0.022"
m_yaw "0.022"
r_ati_fsaa_samples "0"
r_ati_truform_normalmode "GL_PN_TRIANGLES_NORMAL_MODE_LINEAR"
r_ati_truform_pointmode "GL_PN_TRIANGLES_POINT_MODE_LINEAR"
r_ati_truform_tess "0"
r_colorbits "16"
r_depthbits "24"
r_detailtextures "0"
r_displayrefresh "120"
r_dlightbacks "1"
r_drawfoliage "0"
r_drawsun "0"
r_dynamiclight "0"
r_ext_multitexture "0"
r_fastsky "1"
r_finish "0"
r_flares "0"
r_gamma "3"
r_highqualityvideo "0"
r_ignorehwgamma "1"
r_ingamevideo "0"
r_intensity "1.5"
r_lodbias "3"
r_lodcurveerror "60"
r_mapoverbrightbits "3"
r_mode "4"
r_overbrightbits "1"
r_picmip "3"
r_roundimagesdown "1"
r_simplemipmaps "0"
r_subdivisions "20"
r_texturebits "8"
r_wolffog "0"
rate "25000"
s_bits "16"
s_doppler "0"
s_khz "22"
s_mixahead "0.1"
s_mixprestep "0.02"
s_musicvolume "0"
s_volume "0.3"
scr_conspeed "1337"
sensitivity "1.3"

bind 1 "weaponbank 3; cg_drawgun 0; cg_fov 90"
bind 2 "weaponbank 2; cg_drawgun 0; cg_fov 90"
bind 3 "weaponbank 1; cg_drawgun 1; cg_fov 120"
bind 4 "weaponbank 4; cg_drawgun 1; cg_fov 120"
bind 5 "weaponbank 5; cg_drawgun 1; cg_fov 120"
bind 6 "weaponbank 6; cg_drawgun 1; cg_fov 120"
bind 7 "weaponbank 7; cg_drawgun 1; cg_fov 120"
bind F1 "vote yes"
bind F2 "vote no"
bind F3 "ready"
bind F4 "notready"
bind F5 "class m 1; vsay_team IamMedic"
bind F6 "class e 1; vsay_team IamEngineer"
bind F7 "class c 2; vsay_team IamCovertops"
bind F8 "class f 1; vsay_team IamFieldops"
bind F10 "vid_restart"
bind F11 "quit"
bind F12 "exec autoexec.cfg"
bind W "+forward"
bind S "+back"
bind A "+moveleft"
bind D "+moveright"
bind Q "+leanleft"
bind E "+leanright"
bind X "+prone"
bind C "kill; forcetapout; cg_drawgun 0; cg_fov 90"
bind R "+reload"
bind B "+zoom; -zoom"
bind Y "messagemode2"
bind U "messagemode3"
bind G "+mapexpand"
bind F "+activate"
bind L "openlimbomenu"
bind TAB "+scores"
bind SHIFT "+sprint"
bind SPACE "+moveup"
bind CTRL "+stats
bind ALT "+movedown
bind KP_END "setspawnpt 1"
bind KP_DOWNARROW "setspawnpt 2"
bind KP_PgDn "setspawnpt 3"
bind KP_LEFTARROW "setspawnpt 4"
bind KP_5 "setspawnpt 5"
bind KP_INS "setspawnpt 0"
bind KP_DEL "teammenu"
bind KP_SLASH "clear; wait 10; guids; wait 130; condump guids.txt"
bind KP_ENTER "mp_fireteamadmin"
bind RIGHTARROW "timerset 30"
bind DOWNARROW "timerset 25"
bind LEFTARROW "timerset 20"
bind UPARROW "timerset 15"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE3 "weapalt"
unbind MOUSE2
unbind T
unbind V
bind Enter "vsay Cheer ^7:>D"
you forgot to mention + cracked etbot
its simple either :
-u do it urself
-u use others cfg
-u do it urself using others cfg

i obviously prefer my own cfg
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