Setpoint for g5
30 Nov 2008, 03:37
Alright, so I wanna know some + sides and - sides about setpoint for the Logitech G5(current mouse). I can't find a good sensitivity with 800 dpi or fov. I don't use setpoint, although idk if i should. I currently use 100 fov 800 dpi and 3 sensitivity with 6/11 windows sensitivity and I can't remember the last time i went 35% or above :<. oh i use vista too which sucks ass
if you had a sensitivity for 800dpi and fov, suggest em i'll see if they work out ;)
if you had a sensitivity for 800dpi and fov, suggest em i'll see if they work out ;)
lemme know how is it workin for ya
cg_fov 90
6/11 win
O/S implementation @ setpoint (i dont use setpoint though)
enchanced pointer precision off
+accelfix(for vista this one,com_smf/Itemid,99/topic,6898.0/ )
/sensitivity 3 @ 400 dpi should be fine, your 3@800dpi is kinda an overkill for an average player, also highsens players dont get rly high acc
read this btw:
2. 1394 Connection
3. Hamachi
4. (Remote access connections)
when I'm playing COD5 I just move Hamachi to the top of the list and when I'm done playing I change it back to this order.
EDIT: btw, you dont have to do reboot, it says you do but I never do and it works fine
wake up you lazy jew