January 16th


There must be some way out of here, said the joker to the thief.
webcam :))

EDIT: looks nice
I cummed

just watched all the episodes in about 2 weeks a few months ago. was KOUTTTTTTTTTTTA!
can you gimme a little sum-up of the storyline?
we created ai

had a war

beat them

they came back from exile killed lots of people

we are running from them

they are chasing us

trying to find a new planet called "earth" to live on
I dunno, think I can't commit yet, the fact that Stargate Atlantis is ending is hurting too much :/
c'mon atlantis is not that special
shut up you gauld !!!
He should be fed on by the wraith for that statement but it would be a waste of talent :/
you must be the knox !
I has da ainshent jean, I controlz da speiz!
nice leap to another show D:
ATLANTIS is not another show you infidel, explode in a hyperdrive window!
the spieZ": <

isnt it dune?
yes and no
you know that the story of atlantis stargate is real?

when believers search for the hidden city of atlantis (from the legends, you know the underwater) they research and with "evidence" the got to know that it was a super culture (very advanced) and a dissaster sink the city :D
they thought that atlantis ppl came from a stargate in egypt

and the whole history of the stargate is under the sphinx
but there is no premission to dig under it
also an ungerground radar discover a large room underneeth the sphinx :O
ye there are a lot of references to other stuff like the "greys" agenda, just few episodes ago they had one where the last of the asgard where trying to save themselves and daniel jackson (co starring) told the exact and most commen story about the greys alledged agenda, at least the one that's believed the most. Also the stargate technology is supposed to be real, called looking glass technology, go to www.projectcamelot.org and check out the interviews, judge for yourself but it's efinitley worth watching, just amazing storys, true or untrue, really makes you think differently.
well i saw the most deep research about that atlantis and stargate on tv
in national geographic
rly nice show :D
they said that the atlantis ppl had a symble of an elephent
and they believed that the atlantis ppl helped the maya culture cuz the maya were very developed

and in one maya tample they saw a figure of an elephent :OOO
and what was weird, is that there are no elephents in that part of the world :OOOOOOO

for every fact they game, they brought something that might explain it

you choose what to believe :>>
Well the continents weren't always seperate, this is known, the only thing that they say is that there was no civilization at that time, would explain the elephants :> watch the vid I sent you in pm, it answers a lot in a understandable and scolarly way.
i have something to tell you :(((

im the last of the atlantis ppl on this planet D:
Your a jew, possesed by deamon spirits :D
are you fed yet mr.troll?
when I see warning points in our profiles I will be :D
wait wait wait


leave me out of that plz :DD
delete all :(
Stop the troll, can't stop the troll, you can't stop the troll, can't stop the troll :DD
I know but it kinda grew on me :(

What is this series about? Brief storyline?

[e] nvm, thx cad :>
There is too much confusion
I cant get no relief
they stopped broadcasting it here @ nl, need to find a suitable torrents for it:[ last episode i watched was when they found ''earth'' and the cylons attacked them and took them all hostages
It's Judge Mendoza from The West Wing! :o
was about time, stupid assholes making us wait so long
where are the torrents for the first seasons, lul :/
In other, mostly unrelated news, February 13th.

Although they're doing a Firefly with it, and reshooting a new pilot because the current one is 'not accessible enough'. Not a good sign, way to go Fox.
Y A Y ! : D
January 21st, LOST returns with season 5... Much, much better
can't wait to see it
stargate sg1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> atlantis :{
I made it up to like the start of season 4 and it was awesome.

then after a couple of episodes at the start of season 4 till season 4 ended half way through I was pretty much completely uninterested and only half paid attention to the episodes as they played :/

I can't remember half the end of that trailer
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