irc vs internet explorer

problems started when i installed IE 7 , reinstalled it, but links from irc are still opened by IE , not by firefox, cant find under irc options ,how to change it :/

random pic:
image: WhatsWrong
don't think it's irc, make sure firefox is your default browser, should be in the options or sumat
FF is default browser.
Why install IE in the first place.
Everyone, quick! Spam him on irc with nasty URLs!

I don't know how mIRC works (used it last in 1998), but maybe you have some settings or scripts saved somewhere outside the install folder? Like under documents and settings..
i got antispam protector !

na, it reinstalled irc some time ago, and same for anaconda script, worked perfect before ie7 installisation.
Replace iexplorer.exe with firefox.exe!

Nah, don't do that, it's ugly
Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> General

Make sure "Always check to see if Firefox is the default browser on startup" is checked, then press "Check Now".

If IE asks if you want to set it as Default Browser next time you start it then just say No.
Hold on. Problems started when you installed IE7? Why did you install it? There is no reason unless you're a web developer and want to see how IE fucks up standards compliant HTML.

By the way, you could try uninstalling IE7..
i dont get the pic
There's nothing wrong with the pic.
Moron :D
OK, other people have had the same issue, try google next time

start search phrase "internet options" [in control panel on xp?]
programs tab
set programs
set program access and computer defaults
use the "custom" dropdown

i just copied and pasted that, also might differ depending on what o/s you have.

e: To workaround this problem, go to Start -> Default Programs -> Set default programs for this computer, expand custom, select the radio button next to the app you want to set as the system wide default app (e.g. Firefox, etc.), and apply.
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