I need some advice!

How do u nerds make urself study? I mean I know I got 2 tests tomorrow, I know I'm gonna get 1(F), I know my parents are gonna bust my ass but I just can't fucking study. So my dear nerds for the love of god heeeeeelp meeeee. How how how??
dno how its done Croatia , but here we do by the books.
very funny sherlock
very funnay?

you ask how to learn for a test kid.
I'm a kid? omg <3 estonia
how come he's presenting the whole estonia? :/
you open a book and then you read
read a book take notes

if you have vocabulary make flashcards
I'm not stupid just lazy
write a cheating paper... at least you are learning then
that I do my dear hungarian friend. I see u've been in croatia
yeah i was there once, but how do you know it? :P or i just couldnt get soemthing? xD
cause only in croatia people cheat at school. So u had to pick that up here nowhere else:>
.... rofl ego

not rly... not only croatia cheta in school -.-
try asking a belgian: Hey dude got an extra cheating paper for me? what, a cheating paper omg muuuuum he wants me to cheat whewhe.
They can't even take a shit at school.
stop whining about belgian education, one of the best in the world retard
So what, all the retards in Belgium go to crossfire.nu or what?
education doesn't take away the retards
I didn't do shit about studying yesterday. Just called a buddy of mine and copied his cheating paper::)

I love belgium as a country, but all belgians are covardly pussies. U break a window at school omg I'm dead omg they're gonna expel me, or u get a bad grade and u cry like little bitches cause ur mummy and daddy are gonna slap u. That atitude is basic for u guys. I bet if I come with a knife at your school you're just gonna beg for mercy instead of gathering a little group and beat the shit out of me as we croats would in that kind of situation:>
i guess you live in belgium and know everything about us
I was there for 2 weeks at my cousin's place in brussels so I'm just saying what I experienced.
you need to concentrate and try to understand what they're trying to teach you
Just give up and think about some nice holidays on hawaii and u will have a pleasant evening^^

edit: ah man I got a free day tomorrow, have fun :DDD
what about turning the fucking pc off and start learning? i know its difficult but it's the only way you can focus enough to actually learn..
just get fake sick leave and don't go to school tommorow.
start by logging off of here :x
smoking pot is the only way i can focus,
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