
hmm I think this might be fake.
imageshack sucks so fuckin hard :<
OMG PAINT!!! I read somewhere that it should come out @ 3th december for PC or maybe I'm wrong, dunno.. but if it's real than it's fucking nice!
officially in USA on 4th of december. but there are a lot of links to download on these days ! ! !
gta 4 -> 14 gb?

Actually - 18gb :>
not fake
real deal
there are good p2p releases so i wouldnt be surprised if this is actually the real game =)
wait for reloaded's/razor's release or sth...but it isnt fake.
dunz, nemnogo urezannaya versiay^_^
otkuda znaesh
not scene :(
jew stealing, nothing new
saw it 2 days ago but can't be arsed d/l 14gb of crap!
seems real, i'm @ 57% atm...

but it's probably safer to just wait for a scene release
its real, but you cant play it yet:)

image: 02cr7
Nope, they class it as a virus, nothing in it.

Works 100% for me.
No I'm not, I have it on now cuz I needed to do a review on it. You can Google for another piece of software, I use this fine.
that game fucking rocks
specs releaved?
47 seeds, 33012 leechers


torrent sites have gone mad
I will buy it on the 3rd :-)
Just did this 1,5 hours ago! :D
WAS? Weder bei MM, noch bei Saturn hatten sie es :-((

Morgen nach der Uni werd ichs mir schnappen :-))
Bei MM hatten sie es heute. Aber die erste Enttäuschung hab ich direkt erfahren. Sobald ich CD 2 einlegen soll und weiterinstallieren, stürzt die Installation ab.

Ich update jetzt mal auf SP3, mal schauen ob das was bringt. Ich hoffe das gibt keine Probleme wegen gestohlenem Windows.
Och ne :/

Mal schauen obs bei mir morgen nachmittag funktioniert :|
Ich hab jetzt soeben SP3 installiert und nochmal probiert GTA zu installieren. Leider kein Erfolg. Nach wie vor stürzt die Installation ab wenn ich "ok" drücke bei der Einlage der CD2.
Ich bin für jeden Tipp dankbar.
Komm mal irc, da gibts gerade siriuz GTA talks.

FlyingDJ hat mich ziemlich mit Argumenten bombardiert es nicht zu kaufen, da es wohl einiges an "Spyware" aufn PC packt und man gezwungen ist ein paar Sachen im Hintergrund laufen zu lassen.

Also! IRC!
i so wanna have it!
im on it mr.president !
My one arrives today(I hope)!
it's fake, not on nforce or rlslog
There are a few games that I refuse to torrent, this is one of them. I will buy it. :>

you can not take it for granted that the next GTA titles will be released on the pc. even though it is mediocre (my flatmate got it on 360) it is a must buy for me for that reason.

Consoles won again
np4me i got ps3..gta 4 sux tho..
have it on 360, rly nice game
gta 4 has SecuROM so it must be a lie.u wont probably get it very soon
who cares about GTA IV PoP is coming out
somebody downloading it from torrents? :/
installation failed cos you are using vista - which is fucking shite
im buying it tommorow :D
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