2 Dec 2008, 11:15
Like overdrive made a journal about left or right handed?
(edit) Iam wondering who's playing whith? (awsd / zqsd ) or scroll arrow? (<-,->,up,down :p ) (movement)
They told me that raziel played with the arrows? (Pro's only)
I always played with scroll arrow. Can't imagine playing with (awsd or zqsd ) 3-(
(edit) Iam wondering who's playing whith? (awsd / zqsd ) or scroll arrow? (<-,->,up,down :p ) (movement)
They told me that raziel played with the arrows? (Pro's only)
I always played with scroll arrow. Can't imagine playing with (awsd or zqsd ) 3-(
Only pro's @ scroll arrow =:DD
e. this is one of the reasons i don't like laptops! :]}
got the same probs, dont worry your not alone!
wasd ftw.
how do you have your fingers so they fall on az and er
I played with arrows in quake 3 back a couple og years ago but changed to wasd once I started playing ET
A and Q are swapped.
Z and W are swapped.
M is moved from the right of N to the right of L (where colon/semicolon is on a QWERTY keyboard).
The digits 0 to 9 are on the same keys, but the shift key must be pressed to type them. The non-shifted keys are used for accented lowercase characters.
Most non-alphanumerical symbols are in different locations.
So they actually play with qzsd, same shit anyway just different letters.
zqsd here (azerty)
wasd c ctrl r f tab shift
wasd ofc
makes more keys available to me without moving my hand away
I mean awsd / zqsd
toxjq Q4 binds
mouse1 - forward
mouse2 - back
z - moveleft
x - moveright
CTRL - crouch
c - shoot
space - jump