
Like overdrive made a journal about left or right handed?

(edit) Iam wondering who's playing whith? (awsd / zqsd ) or scroll arrow? (<-,->,up,down :p ) (movement)

They told me that raziel played with the arrows? (Pro's only)

I always played with scroll arrow. Can't imagine playing with (awsd or zqsd ) 3-(

image: fSW_VaderOwned
I believe that a lot of people play with azerty qwerty whatever. ( awsd / zqsd )

Only pro's @ scroll arrow =:DD
you have some kind of mini keyboard or how the hell is it possible that you play with azerty? explain plz,im interester *interested. (finger locations.. i assume middle finger in on A and the rest?)

e. this is one of the reasons i don't like laptops! :]}
:D? just a normal keyboard. But my question was playing with azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbn(keyboard) or <-,-> (scroll arrow) . Get it?
sorry can't explain myself in eng(r)lish
well i think i get your point mate. :-) my shift ends soon so i am pretty stoned and it takes time to understand things till i get my coffee+morning smoke 8)
hehe :] gooooood moring

got the same probs, dont worry your not alone!
Scroll arrow owns!
that curly guy from idle
i dunno how i play, my thumb is on D and i play WASD
hi jimmy!
=\ azerty is a lot less used than qwerty

wasd ftw.
hey reetkever
nobody plays with azerty, nor qwerty. They play with awsd (qwerty keyboards) or zqsd (azerty keyboards).
maybe the have some binds on qwerty buttons ;p
sure, but they don't move solely with qwerty or azerty.
would be quite freaky if ppl actually played like that :P
we can never know
sorry my bad :X, ye thats what i mean .
qwerty imo
wtf is azerty?

how do you have your fingers so they fall on az and er

I played with arrows in quake 3 back a couple og years ago but changed to wasd once I started playing ET
i think the small finger is on a&z, and other fingers are on ert..dno how to press y :DD

A and Q are swapped.
Z and W are swapped.
M is moved from the right of N to the right of L (where colon/semicolon is on a QWERTY keyboard).
The digits 0 to 9 are on the same keys, but the shift key must be pressed to type them. The non-shifted keys are used for accented lowercase characters.
Most non-alphanumerical symbols are in different locations.

So they actually play with qzsd, same shit anyway just different letters.
oooh, so the actual keyboard has a different layout, they aren't just using an odd finger pattern on a qwerty board :X
wasd, do you mean with your azerty zqsd perhaps?
azerty is a type of keyboard mainly used in france
and Belgium
i know but isn't zqsd there isntead of wasd (which are the movement keys for most)?
probably yes...
wtf is scroll arrow?

zqsd here (azerty)
arrows ofc
wasd - more keys in easy reach with keyboard and mouse mat nicely spread apart which kinda makes your right arm move nice and smoothly.
arrows > wasd
zqsd, can't imagine playing with arrows :/
qwerty, azerty is in france :)

wasd c ctrl r f tab shift
wtf is the "scroll arrow"

wasd ofc
tfgh here

makes more keys available to me without moving my hand away
Oops for this mistake :XDD

I mean awsd / zqsd
weirdest binds ever imo are from toxic

mouse1 - forward
mouse2 - back
z - moveleft
x - moveright
CTRL - crouch
c - shoot
space - jump
pijlkes !
i play qwes
arrows & invert like a pro! ;D
met zen linkse poot en toch rechts spelen oO
wasd on qwerty
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