Winter... SUCKS

I wake up at 07.30 and its dark. I go to school its still dark. I go home at 13.00 or 15.00 and its ...dark...?

There is no snow, only wet streets, damm clouds that are a size of a damm europe and they are all over Finland.

And you ask why people are doing suicide... its like black and white movie out there.. its fucking depressing.

Well waiting for summer and stuff. B4 that I gonna just sleep.

Hows your winter wheather?
WHITE - SNOW EVERYWHERE. :) And Im sitting inside.
Come to Portugal then :D The sun rises around 7.00 and goes away at 17. There is alot of sun outside and no rain. Sometimes there is rain at Portugal, but never snows (i never saw snow in rl). Its not that cold also (5/10ºc atleast).
"i never saw snow in rl"
Oh shit.
Welcome to Portugal. There is snow only at some special places that i never attended :P
isnt there some winter-chaos in POR atm? but only up north right?
I live at the north of Portugal (around 25km from Porto city) and its ok, like usually. There isnt snow here. Tv's are hyping (like every year) because its a bit more cold then usual at some places (snowing), but its kinda normal at those places.
Usually there is snow only at north of Portugal (to be precise -> google for Serra da Estrela) and some times at some other cities. But Serra da Estrela is the most known place because _there is_ snow at winter...
are there places like sierra nevada in portugal aswell?
Yes, Serra (Sierra :P) da Estrela is like Sierra Nevada :P but its the only one at Portugal...
real winter is fun. drifting around parking lots and curvi roads :D
but well , at the moment its more like shit and cold autumn :P

my work starts around 10AM and i got a nice window in front of me . so cant complain about darkness much. besides , i love that night are dark ;)

one of the things i hate about summer is that theres only 2 hours when its little bit like night should be :P
white, wet, no sun, cold-_-
i hate winter

related vid
w8ing for Christmas <3
it's between autumn and winter ... (but i still enjoy it)
frig,ceata :|
vreau zapada \:D/
vara >>> <3
No snow, but it's damn cold and there's no way I go out. I hate winter too :-(
winter pwnz when this is your winter

image: 2253362294_7993f4c58d
If I come there will you take me to your home ? :D
no way !
jews live in a cave !
the pic is a lie !
shur np, im a rich jewISH diamond trader
lol no matter what is the hour, when i look outside to the sea i see those gliders :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
not again no TheoDor in your name:<
blame iiky and fasolka
they always calling me theo

its not my name D:
i dno fasolka:/ cant tell her what to do
the point is

i have a name :(

i dont want ppl to call me by my nick :(
but cohen is your surname and ishai is your forename?
first name ishai
family name cohen

nicon !! :DD
so just name yourself ishai "theodor" cohen
me wouldnt liek to be called by my realname in zeh internets
sure...last time i told you i want theodor back, you did that;D

but this time its final
its not like you dont know who im ;(
no, but its traditional and dno
lol no matter what is the hour, you are inside :DD
some of us want to earn money and travel to sweden and make orgy with 20 swedish models
so we have to stay inside work

but then there are ppl like you
who travel swedish girls from town to town without even talking to them, while having a bad hair style you fucking faggot
The Yarkon Street near Shalag Street. :D
winter = best season
Well, you're finish so :XD
its snowing here! i was out making a snow man! :D
no, its your wife !
cant be, my mrs' nose is bigger than a carrot!
lol :D

so in order to balance it
your penis is smaller than a penut !
nah mate, im like 009'n'a'half if ya get my drift.
no i dont get this english D:
I dont get this Jew.

We have that shite slushy snow. DISSAPOINTED.
wet + cold.... but sunny atm
fucking snow here :{
sunlight <3
Ya pretty much same here, though a bit less extreme. Dark in the late morning, dark in the mid-afternoon, wet weather, etc. Some days are pretty good though.
<3 winter
<3 black and white
your comment sounds more like a new theme for pics! :p
I dont understand ppls who prefere winter instead of summer, they must be, seriously... addicted to computer :D I love sitting infront of the computer when it's winter cuz its dark and i like sitting in front of the computer when it's dark and cuz i dont want to be out when its winter.. but i prefer summer 100 times more and i prefere NOT sitting in front of the computer, cuz its soo liight and warm and need thousend's of breezes except except on nights :]
so totally agree!
Its all grey and dark >( AND IT SUCKS. I hate winter these days.. I can still remember the time when there was always snow and stuff.. Nowadays there is just 9months autumn in finland :(
So true. I remember thouse winters when there was snow and sun. Now its just raining and gray sky :(
sounds like a utopia for those fake dark shit emos, if they werent so fake
i like it as long as there is no fucking cancer rain/wind
Prefer winter when it's dark and opposite atm. :/
I don't mind snow or a cold climate. Its the bloody rain that bugs me.
welcome to emoland then... :(
hehe all clouds ar in Cologne liar :)
finally a decent journal about winter
I think that we can't call it winter anymore

It's more like "long autumn"
got to agree, ffs the only good thing about winter is snowboarding and beautiful landscape when there is some snow (3-5 days per year)!
you live in finland, what do you expect? seriously!
I escaped winter last year (africa aug-april), but only to get even more pwned this year :<
We don't have seasons in our country. No autumn leaves or snowy decembers. Just random rain and random sun.
winter rules, finally I can go skiing! =)
though that's the only positive thing about winter
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