finally a decent law?

why don't the government make a law where the female must be forced to wear skirts only? except for africa and american girls
why dont the governemnt make a law where everonye must be forced to wear brain?
u didnt even spell it rite ^^
forced to wear use brain.
no need in only wearing it. :o
so right xD
same law for guys aswell?xD
I'll wear a skirt, just for you Linda.

Like that.

sup nigga
im fine and you?

ps. i dont understand your journal :<
gud gud, getting a pc in about a month ^^ after christmas
cod5 paly paly then <3
i can play it on my pc atm but its still not on the store i want to stupid lol
send me your old 1-year-old one!
oh jesus :D
why dont the governemnt make a law where everonye must be like tosspot??
because then we would have a bilion people trying to organise a LAN to pay for their new apartment, with no-one to play at it...
ok, made sense.
Quoteexcept for africa and american girls

How little do you know about American girls?

E: Because most of all your jewland should have the moral stance to figure out that you're no mormons.
the country i live in is israel, just so you will know
Oh really, smartass?! Israel should be the pinnacle of religiously motivated morality.
I think he lost you there, he needs simplified english!
He needs simple arguments because of his simple brain.
that too! :>
image: mommy-baby-tattoo
hardcore baby is not amused.
I should have a license to kill retarded mongols over the internet.
HEIJ! IM MONGOL and no killing me please :)
retard mongols you can kill.

I so roflt when vila called me a mongol when I got obj from him :Dsdadadadasdadadada
you should kill yourself now
ohh james bond of the internetz
[dutch lolsol]hUh maar wie moeten er dan in team NL? tenminste, als je een nul medelijden (ultra pun) beleid volgt. [/dutch]
zero toliorance :)
Polandz3r0 NetherlandstomBelgiumlioBelgiumrhandce
finally, a Finlanddecemt law
Haha you can kill noone :D

Nerd without muscles :D
that's why i kill over the internet, can use smg =)=)
You are nerd!
np respawn at cp
or just ask your ''hot'' gf' to wear a skirt all the time
force the women to stay in kitchen
no cant do.this would be against civil law.
coz wearing skirts sux :<
i do wear at new years eve or some birthday party but pls :/
I'd like to ask for a proof now, but that would be childish :)
why dont the government make a law in which guys to be forced to wear pink fluffy tuffy tutus
would be awesome right? :P:D
dont say that you would like to see something like that :p
no but the idea is retarded :D
Anyone else get the feeling that isreal is turning into the modern version nazi germany?
what? they hate themselves?
And the israelian warhero captain took out a battalion of over 200 tanks all by himself with his less advanced tank.
only you, situation is completely different, but you are from another country and hear bullshit from the media, so its hard to explain
So would you care to try to explain a few things? And just your inactive statement that I would only get my information from the media kinda shows your attitude/their mental affliction over you. x-]
lol, where else u get an information? :D
Internet and there is many foreigners studying in my school, old friends having deep roots a little everywhere and more, but what does it matter?
Let's start with the simpler questions:
Why do you think you can rightfully build a humongus concrete wall and doing a preussen copycat? And why?
"Sweden" owned more or less the whole northern and central europe, do we still have dibs on it and would the countries accept us immigrating if we was, lets say 100 times the population that we are now, if the sami would reclaim their land by some unknown methods?
Why do you think you can grant things to others which is not yours, FE. a big ass airspace over jordan, egypt and syria?
(note that "you" is not you or any kind of massic motions, it 's more ment like the deciding factors)
this kind of topics will burst into an huge arguements, ill say two things: internet is a part of the media
second is, i dont see the wall as the perfect solution, but it is extremely necessary
before 2004, at around 2000-2002 there was a time, where arabs sneaked into israel places and suicide bomb public places, such as malls, coffee shops and stuff, in no time it developed into having 4-5 bomb suicides per day, having more than 100 kills a day
it was an crazy time, fucking unbelieve able, and its one of the reasons peoples call us bombers, people are too stupid to read fully / properly and call us terrorist
the wall prevents from arabs in gaza / other places from moving freely into public areas and blow them
is too hard for me to explain in eng...soz
I don't think too many thinks that it is you doing the suicide bombings, but who decides that a suicide bombing in a mall be worse than a 5000kg cluster bombmat over a small village, looking at statistics, alot more palestinians have died to the hands of israel(USA) than israelian, even if the targeting groups is somewhat diffrent.
If I was you and not totaly in the daze of religious beliefs, I would try to leave "their" country, because the forced "co-op" doesn't seem to work out too well.
No, but it reminds me of certain US attitudes which remind me of Nazi Germany attitudes.
And as we all know, Isreal is more or less under total control from the US. ;-)
The fun thing is that we're gonna have some sort of roleplay in school on Thursday deciding fate in the Middle East and I have to play a PLO role, of which I, thanks to pala and all the Israeli retards, am pretty happy about :)
good luck :-D
oh no, please, stop making me cry, i dont want to look sad
I wouldn't mind if this law was enforced across both genders!
both have to wear skirts only? :o
Women would complain about having to wear skirts all the time so it's only fair that men should've to wear them as much as women do - if women want that of course! I personally wouldn't mind since I like skirts on women, and I've worn skirts quite a few times (don't ask), and they're actually quite comfortable!
ye true. but all time? :o Will get boring pretty fast.
Do men get bored of having sex? Same principle!
Well as long it suits the guy he is welcome to wear to a skirt!
i wouldnt mind to suffer abit wearing skirt if every1 else does, aslong as i can watch girls with skirts only
im sick of those fuking panties!!!!!!!!
wow ur willing to pay a price actually, hm ok, then the law enforced for both genders is fine by me
die racist
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