English speaking ppl needed!

hello dear crossfire, for english i had to write some text about a summer school or smth, i wrote it but it could be full of mistakes :<
If anyone here has some decent knowledge of the english language and could be so kind to correct some mistakes, i would be thankful forever
any help will be appreciated!
(i know it's stupid to post on a site like this but crossfire is a friendly community i hope:p)

this is what a got so far:

QuoteDear Mr. Richards,

I’m really interested in following a course in the 3rd Summer Institute in Applied Economics from the 17th to 28th of July. I’d like to choose the seminar global marketing because that just looks the most interesting to me.
Now something more about myself: my name is Nick Mortier and I live in Belgium in a small town called Loppem, near Bruges. I’m 18 years old and I have a younger brother and sister. I’m studying economics in the university of Gent at the moment. If I have to be honest, I’d say that my biggest passion is studying economics, I really can’t get enough of it so I’d love to join another course during the summer holidays.
To finish I still have a couple of questions. First of all I would like to know whether scholarships are available in Cambridge, because otherwise I’ll have some financial problems and I might not be able to attend the summer school and I would deeply regret that. My parents both work but they’re not really wealthy, so I might be a bit of a difficult case in terms of getting a scholarship. My second question is about the accommodation, is it possible to find a cheap place to stay in Cambridge? If that’s not the case, are there any other possibilities to get there by train from another city or any other possible solutions?
I’m sorry for bothering you with this, but all this is new for me and your answer would really help me.

Yours sincerely,

Nick Mortier

*edit: thanks a lot for helping all, mostly nellie!
Hello sir, I speak english!
feel free to help me out then! :p
Seems alright to me :-)
your profile is so fucking sad
And why is that?
'achievements' mostly
Your textbox is FTW too. :)
Hello sir, I speak english!
hey, whats up sweetheart :( ?
Nufin much! u? :D
me no speak english :O
never use things like i'd in letters, always use i like (the full thingy) learnd that from my dwarf teacher :)

dwarf teacher?
intreduce her to United Kingdom tace
Now something more about myself: my name is Nick Mortier and I live in Belgium in a small town called Loppem, near Bruges. I’m 18 years old and I have a younger brother and sister

My name
wel een keiharde achternaam mattie
Dear Mr. Richards,

I am really interested in following a(the? your?) course in the 3rd Summer Institute in Applied Economics from the 17th to 28th of July. I would like to choose the global marketing seminar because that just looks the most interesting to me.
About myself: my name is Nick Mortier. I live in Belgium in a town called Loppem, near Bruges. I am 18 years old and I have a younger brother and sister. I am studying economics in the University of Gent at the moment. My biggest passion is studying economics, I can not get enough of it so I would love to join another course during the summer holidays.
For the conclusion I still have questions. First of all I would like to know whether scholarships are available in Cambridge, because otherwise I am going to have financial problems and I might not be able to attend the summer school. I would deeply regret that. Both of my parents work but they are not really (get the fuck rid of these ffs) wealthy, so I might be a difficult case in terms of getting a scholarship. My second question is about the accommodation, is it possible to find a cheap place to stay in Cambridge? If that is not the case, are there any other possibilities besides getting there by train?
I am sorry for bothering you, but all of this is new for me and your answer would really help me. (this sentence bothers me, i don't know how to replace it though)

Yours sincerely,

Nick Mortier

haha loppem dat ligt niet ver van me x)
I’m really interested in following a course in the 3rd Summer Institute in Applied Economics from the 17th to the 28th of July. I’d like to choose the seminar global marketing because that just looks the most interesting to me.
Now something more about myself: my name is Nick Mortier and I live in Belgium in a small town called Loppem, near Bruges. I’m 18 years old and I have a younger brother and sister. I’m studying economics in the university of Gent at the moment. If I have to be honest, I’d say that my biggest passion is studying economics, I really can’t get enough of it so I’d love to join another course during the summer holidays.
To finish I still have a couple of questions. First of all I would like to know whether scholarships are available in Cambridge, because otherwise I’ll have some financial problems and I might not be able to attend the summer school and I would deeply regret that. My parents both work but they’re not really wealthy, so I might be a bit of a difficult case in terms of getting a scholarship. My second question is about the accommodation, is it possible to find a cheap place to stay in Cambridge? If that’s not the case, are there any other possibilities to get there by train from another city or any other possible solutions?
I’m sorry for bothering you with this, but all this is new for me and your answer would really help me.

Think the most is correct. Also if this is a formal letter I would say "I will" instead of "I'll".
then it should be scholarship not ships
Dear Kubus and Bangbang,

Bangbang, Just talk Dutch cancersufferer, you are a bitch, or a snitch mate, clear or what, homecountry traitor, a German or what? Cancer off! Spoiled, maybe by pedophelia or your parents but mainly by tribals. Why don't you apply for Idols, so you can hook up with Gordon and do your thing, come together with Kubus and Gerard in a love circle. You are small man, all I see is you shrinking, you are almost dissappearing, you are now at the perfect height to perform blowjobs while standing straight.

Yours sincerely,


(Ik dacht van, ik tattoeer mn gezicht zwart dan lijk ik niet meer op een blanke man)
I’m studying economics in ( -> at ) the university


"If I have to be honest, I’d say that my biggest passion is studying economics, I really can’t get enough of it so I’d love to join another course during the summer holidays."

Don't use irony.
i would drop the I am studying economics at university

i would keep the I am studying economics at the university of groningen
well since i had to write a letter about joining a course during the holidays, i don't think my teacher would think that line is ironic, however i don't mean it of course :)
dont shorten by using I'll, I'd, can't....
wanneer moest je dat doen wigger, weetk niets van =D
nie iedere groep moet da doen
It's important to understand what's changed ^^

Dear Mr. Richards,

I’m I am really interested in following attending / I am eager to attend a course in ?? at the 3rd Summer Institute in Applied Economics from the 17th to 28th of July. I’d like to choose the seminar global marketing because that just looks the most interesting to me. due to that being my preferred field / as this is a subject I have great interest and passion in.

Now something more about myself: My name is Nick Mortier and I live in Belgium in a small town called Loppem, near Bruges. I’m 18 years old and I have a younger brother and sister. I’m studying economics in Currently I study economics at the university of Gent at the moment. If I have to be am honest, I would say that my biggest passion in life is studying economics, I really can’t get enough of it so and I’d love to join another course during the summer holidays.

To finish I still have a couple of questions. I do have a few questions regarding the course. First of all I would like to know whether scholarships are available in Cambridge Are scholarships available for Cambridge? As if not I may not be able to attend summer school due to financial problems. due to financial problems because otherwise I’ll have some financial problems and I might not be able to attend the summer school and I would deeply regret that. Though both my parents both work full time but they’re not really wealthy and would struggle with affording to pay for tuition at Cambridge. so I might be a bit of a difficult case in terms of getting a scholarship. I’d also like information on the accommodation available at Cambridge, is there any cheap accommodation available? My second question is about the accommodation, is it possible to find a cheap place to stay in Cambridge? If that’s not the case, are there any other possibilities to get commute there by train from another city or could you suggest any other possible solutions?

I’m sorry for bothering you with this, but all this is new for me and your answer would really help me.

Dear Mr. Richards,

I am really interested in attending a course in the 3rd Summer Institute in Applied Economics from the 17th to 28th of July. I’d like to choose the seminar global marketing due to that being my preferred field / as this is a subject I have great interest and passion in.

My name is Nick Mortier and I live in [area] Belgium in a small town called Loppem, near Bruges. I’m 18 years old and I have a younger brother and sister. Currently I study economics at the university of Gent. Studying economics is my biggest passion in life and I would love to join another course during the summer holidays.

I do have a few questions regarding the course. Are scholarships available for Cambridge? As if not I may not be able to attend summer school due to financial problems. Though both my parents work full time they’re not wealthy and would struggle with affording to pay for tuition at Cambridge. I’d also like information on the accommodation available at Cambridge, is there any cheap accommodation available? If this is not the case, are there any other possibilities to commute by train from another city or could you suggest an adequate solution?

Yours sincerely.
thanks a lot !!!
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