hellow cf-members!...

I was supposed to wake up around 06:00CET but actually I slept till 09:00CET. Since I had a headache in the morning and I was sweating pretty much I took out a thermometer to check my temperature. There we have it, 39.4°.

I feel a bit EMO right now, since I have to write an exam at 13:30CET and I actually can't hear myself think, in addition I missed some lessons, which are quite important for my matriculation. Furthermore I skipped quite a lot lessons this year, but that won't affect on my university-thingy, thank god.

How was your day, what are your plans for today? Need to kill some time before the exam starts! Regards, have a nice day...

image: 24346-Bild2
at work and chilling at zeh interwebz! going for lunch soon )D
studiing a little bit for the test of tomorrow... driving to my brother and gambling a little PS3...
official in the evening
Work 8-16, some food, going to get a new isp for gf, work 20-24, some food, qualitytime, sleep, work 8-16...
woke up at 4:30 cet so cut the whine :]
gtfo i woke up at 4:10 mst
gtfo i was awake at 4 am!!
gtfo i woke up at 3:10 pst
both gtfo - I couldn't sleep @ all
cant beat that
:-( I rlly want to sleep....
being fucking bored at school
being fucking bored at work
Woke up 7.00 CET and then I went to nurse, who give injection for meh, was 2hours at school and now I am at home! Have to rewrite english essay (400words) and then read some communism propaganda written by Jari Tervo
Have to study whole day for my french exam tomorrow :<
going to buy some clothes & shoes soon

So my day atm cant get better, I feel awesome-o, little bit of awesnow tomorrow and tonight going to the cinema with a nice girl =)
Don't call me a girl.
Nerding the whole day, then sleep and same until the friday, when I get wasted and have 2 days hangover and start everything from the start.
looks like Millhouse from the Simpsons
finished my remix work in wiesbaden, maybe ill drive home in the night or tomorrow morning. atm im sittin in a nice hotel lobby, drinkin a nice cocktail and ordering sume vinyls online.
maybe i spin some records later in a local club if im in the right mood.
gute besserung.

liebe grüsse,

andreas f von raute elektromusik
busy with unicrap :<
Been around the island and pulled for not wearing a crash helmet :( nps at least its sunny again. Bought some new chairs and am now looking to buy my new apple notebook pro ;).

i read masturbation lolz
work 10-18
gym 20

fucking interesting :o
work 10-18 but well , most of the time i got nothing to do here :D
work 19-02

fetter kackidiot.
32 fehlstunden..
ich kack dir ins xsicht,ohne witz.
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