Hey LAN !!!!!
4 Dec 2008, 11:26
Dear Crossfire Community,
We the yerman ghetto bitches are arrive on thursday evening in enschede (Im not sure if still in a normal mod or still drunk depends on cria's whine in the car).
At 13 cet our road trip will start , criatura pickup pzyko and drive to braunschweig there he will pickup fireBall hummel & scatti (after scatti comes from berlin) and then road trip to Netherlands in a Opel Omega. We will stay in the cabins , we are not in need of a hot sleep place aslong as we have vodka and a bit feeling like in siberia.
My experience from the last lans there are allways party's infront of the cabins , and atleast you need to visit the city.
So who will stay at cabins (which clans?)
Would be great to see some new faces not allways the same vodka junks.
Best regards TEAM HIGHBOT OVERLOAd 133377373737373
We the yerman ghetto bitches are arrive on thursday evening in enschede (Im not sure if still in a normal mod or still drunk depends on cria's whine in the car).
At 13 cet our road trip will start , criatura pickup pzyko and drive to braunschweig there he will pickup fireBall hummel & scatti (after scatti comes from berlin) and then road trip to Netherlands in a Opel Omega. We will stay in the cabins , we are not in need of a hot sleep place aslong as we have vodka and a bit feeling like in siberia.
My experience from the last lans there are allways party's infront of the cabins , and atleast you need to visit the city.
So who will stay at cabins (which clans?)
Would be great to see some new faces not allways the same vodka junks.
Best regards TEAM HIGHBOT OVERLOAd 133377373737373
cu @ LAN
i suggest buying three of those.
I'm ready to go now :D
not seen him around in years. Sound guy.
hf there !
food and drinks on me
everything else later is ON you :DDD
though Golf > yours :pp
sag das noch einmal in mein gesicht und ich lach dich aus.
damn i had girly hair back @ cdc4 :D
oh it's in my bag :D how?!?!