Eagle aka Captain Obvious

Please have a look on this Video-File! I think there is nothing to add

The Video is here
never heard of
quite know in estonian scene for ver good aim
nice dl. 1.2mb/ps
I didnt see anything i would 'suspect', but then again i dont care either.
i did see something
i saw you replying to yourself

and i suspect the worse !
I'm waiting for your reply to yourself about that!
Dont hold your breath then. :D
Just replied to myself to keep my comments 'together'.
I know, I was just messing with you! ;)
Do the mess around.
Yeah, mess with me and I'll probably mess back with you by replying! Or like this situation, I'm randomly messing with you!

Damnit I'm cool!
Have you heard of Ritalin son?
I have! You can try to drug me the best you can, I will never surrender!
bored now. C u
You will see me, believe me! I will spam you again!
cant run mp4.

for bad aiming and slow reaction time
i dont like u anymoer! u ruined the movie sagga with a movie cfg :~<<<<<<<<< and no q3 part in it :~<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
maybe put ingame sounds in it...

+ why isnt our conflict answered on CB? we asked frag1liity for demos a week ago, they still didnt upload it..
Match conflicts All | Yours | New

Date Clans Ladder Submitted by Date Handled by # Last comment
11 Nov monkey-sadness@eoLx ET ET SW 2on2 Ali Saed Bin Ali El-Hoor 14 Nov none 1 02 Dec 21:44
13 Nov PIMP-Mat ET ET SW 2on2 Janus 15 Nov none 4 02 Dec 21:43
11 Nov sieni-is yeti ET ET SW 2on2 lala 15 Nov none 6 02 Dec 21:46

can't see yours? :/
Domi made it afaik, http://clanbase.ggl.com/warinfo.php?wid=8307188 . but it seems mundus dont care about it and just entered the score I think..
thanks, but as a reminder, the final is already scheduled for tonight : http://www.gamestv.org/event/7984-frag1lity-vs-crow-ee/ dont know if they still need to play it tonight if they dont upload demos?
why do you need their demos if its on ettv??
3 mapper, everytime I see something obvious I have to ask it on demand again, and again.

+ its our right imo
why don't you record the ettv match, lol..
3 maps = 3x 20 min = 60 min
3 players = 3x60 = 3 hours, if they just upload it, it would be much easier
don't think they're 20 mins each :D

+ subb uploaded his demo, so 2 left.

you + domi should spec one each and record. but better talk to donex or bartichello if you still want the demos.
ye would like to have them anyways >:)
I dunno really. I would have wanted ingame sound in this movie to really judge it. The first two clips, just like Karrde said isn't especially haxy in my oppinion. However the third feels strange.

However, this is by far not enough to use as a "bust".
for your own sake I hope this is a joke
1st- wut, that helmet(the wierd thing that moves on the box) is big enough to spot it.
2nd- nothing special
3rd-&#711;sound needed and we dont know what that medic said on coms
1) nothing
2) nothing
3) nothing
4) nothing
teech me how to open mp4 , qt isnt doing it!!
i played it with VLC player.
Oh, it's awesome mUndUs, captain of intelligence and Colonel Perfect in one person!
ohhh now when all read this stupid shit,you actually could idle @ irc





Age: 22 ( 1 March 1986 )
brilliant day!
you only had 1000 rounds left...
why did you shoot then?
nothing xD
You are only trying to bust him because u lost yesterday :D
1) hax
2) not
3) not
4) hax
low+ max!
The 2 first sequences are kinda strange since he tracks them through walls (and he remains on them so i'd say he wallhacks)
The supply axis spawnrape seems clear tho, we can see the 2nd guy on the screen before he goes back and before he starts shooting
wnb cheatbuster.
seriously, can't see anything really obvious there :X
1st : seems logical places to aim + sound for the last one
2 : kinda weird but nothing really obvious
3 : well, guess its spawntime, so theres obviously people there, preshoot seems logical to me...
Shit avi, no hax
it's a mp4 :o
1st: the only "obvious" thing but everyone aims there if youre going up there cuz enemy spawns and ALWAYS comes from this position first
cant see any other "suspicious" things

gl with your whine journal
nothing to see thar! :O
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