Mac for video editing

i'm interesting to buy a new mac for editing video and images not for gaming :O for that i've another Pc. :E
I have no idea atm i just spam to make an idea of what commerce offers to my hobby\job.
budget 1300 Euro.

Discuss fair!
Mac's are fucking HELL to do video editing and graphics on... Just get a good Windows based pc :)
i don't like work on windows for this. At office i got this: image: 2217473657_29e7489188 it's not the same but a nice mac pro 8-core and it's really good for everything.
where do u work?
stage at university for multimedia
lol nice how much u earn?
atm nothing il do to take some credits to degree :D after who knows..
omfg I'd kill to have that at home
Final Cut Pro?
premiere, final cut, vegas other shitty programs.... windows and mac only.
Been using iMovie HD at college, but we will be using Final Cut on our next project. I shouldn't base my opinion on iMovie alone, but it has been really fucking tedious to use despite it's simplicity. Everything seems to be fucking up; iMovie randomly duplicating clips, letterbox disapearing, and it taking alot more time than it should to render a black title screen, with white text amongst a list of other things. It also like to put all your clips into the trash on occasion..fantastic.

Then you've got the problems with the actual OS it'self - top notch machines somehow fucking up and freezing every time you do something as simple as applying a layer in photoshop , giving you that "mystical" fucking colour wheel.

If only my college had good window's machines :(
mac is gay
the fact that the X-button ( to close a window) is on the left...

they want to be different just to be different

shits happen!
I'd get a PC (or upgrade your current one). Mac Pros start around 2x your budget. Unless you're a big fan of Final Cut Pro, in which case you haven't got many options...
mmm what u think i have to consider ?
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