matchweek #1 finished

We, at ESL, did a small summary for you, if you are interested in watching matches by GTV's function "replay on demand"!
Click the link below to see all matches, which has been broadcasted by ETTV.
1on1, 3on3, 6on6, whatever you want, just request it!

<<insert random DONOTWANT picture>>
Why you don't have such a simple challange system like CB's one ? :<
On the other hand it's still better than WL's challenge system, fucked up as hell :D.
ESL's scores adding is way easier than CB's one

And the matches are already schuled for some day, so I think this system is way easier :D
Adding score is very easy but forcing match dates isn't that good.
well, of course It depends on opinion, but I think it is the best time to play at sunday either 20CET or 21CET.
But I don't want to play 3on3 @ 20 and 6on6 @ 21, 3on3 should be forced to the diffrent days/hours at least. 20-22 is usually a 6on6 time ;d
I have to agree with you that 3o3 part, otherwise I think they have done generally better job than CB, since their Admins are more active. Only CB's admin who is active is killerboy
Good point, ESL admins are way better than the CB's ones. For me, only andyF1 should be called an admin there.
Feel free to contact me in for any problems with ESL (ESL Page).

I cannot say much about the CB challenge system - never used it in the last 3 years - but I never had problems with the ESL one. And I don't think that there are many differences between ESL and CB :)
In ladders challenge system is perfect but I just don't like forcing match dates in cups :)
the matches only have to be played on the forced days, 3on3 Sunday 20 CET and 6on6 Sunday 21 CET, if both teams cannot agree on another date and time (as we said it several times in news / member mails)

i can understand you and we may change it at the next season, but we added the "forced" matches as we thought it would be the best for all after the last cups / tournaments at ESL :)
For example, our opponents agreed to play our 3on3 earlier (today) but they didn't come. Now we are forced to play this match on sunday when we already have some stuff to do on that day.
no, why should you play the match then on sunday? if you agree with your opponent on another day / time get in contact with an admin (support / irc) and tell him to change the date of your match (you need proves, the most easiest way is: both teams write a comment at the match page). One of the admins will change the date and when your opponent does not show up at the new day / time you will of course get a forfeit win. everything else would be senseless :)
Shit, only I posted the new date in the comment, but with irc logs ! :D
i like the esl the only sad thing is that the gather-system for et is dead :S
revive and paly paly sum
i tried it sometimes rly :( but no one is checking it :( maybe we/you could do a gather-day or sth. :D
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