cant get any better...

yeah! my g5 died after 3 years... why couldnt it just wait a few more days and break after cc5.. :(

life is unfair :<
and now you cant come?
my first one lasted 3 months, cry me a river :D
so u are not going anymore i guess? :D

edit:just frickin take others mouse...and then go mama style if he wants it back +say...sry,cant see ur name on it,its ur name Razer?
go for deathadder now
i read "my gf died after 3 years , why couldnt it just wait a few more days ...."

>,< was like wtf.
just buy a 518 and getter a better mouse for half the price

really cheap these days
seriously, have u tried the deathadder? obviously everyone has their own opinions and i ain't here to prove you wrong. but saying that "you're getting a better mouse for half the price" without even playing with deathadder is just fucking stupid. i used to own a mx518 and it died, so i wen't to the store and they had no mx518 currently, so i bought a deathadder, been playing with it eversince cause i like it more than mx518.
the word "better" means comparison rofl, and as we're talking about the G5, the mx518 is definitely better than the G5. If I was comparing the mx518 to everything including the deathadder I'd say "is the best" rather than "is better."

as it goes yes i've played with a deathadder and i know it's similar to the 518 in specification, it's just the 518 costs half the price, but we're not talking about the deathadder anyway and it seems stupid to bring that up to a player who liked the shape of the G5...
nvm, got carried away :D dno exactly why i brought deathadder in aswell, i guess i was abit tired when i wrote that
got the 518 about two years ago and still works fine for me
i can't think of any mx518 / G5 which lasted more than 9 months.
Gay5 for the win. I bought razer copperhead and it has been broken since I got it, ain't that nice.
Got a problem with mine aswel, while playing ET it just changes the DPI sens on the mouse.
Sometimes it will just freeze( first the G5 then my PC)
Any solutions?
the new excuse for lan "I sucked cuz my mouse broke and had to play with shit mouse"
yah yah "you play with shit mAus?"
enjoying the conversation?:P
nah, was just pointing out the obvious mouse <> mAus jokes ppl would like to pull.
ye i understood :P i just felt i need to reply :$
cmon ron, you know i dont cheat.. do i play like one then ?
never said that. I just pointed out that you gave ppl new excuses to use for when they suck on lan :)
ah okay.. thats another way to put it idd.. :o
yes it can get worse
you are still a virgin \o/
allready making up excuses!
you shouldve noticed that my mouse is broken when i played vs u on radar :(
sry but i had to reply it
cuz it was a rare opprotunity and missing it would be a shame

so take this awsome song i upload :D

the israeli letters are giving me eyecancer tbh :(
you have a windows media player bar down below :(

just hit press and browse crossfire :>
did it... what is he singing.. now ive got earcancer aswell:(
he sing about very deep stuff :(
just listen to the melody !
i did, need beer now, cya ! ;)
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