Good Morning =")


will eat breakfast now .. make some coffee and gonna go for a walk with my dog....

what are your plans for today ?

random link:

Do want:

Gl with ur exams etc !
good morning.
Today I am gonna watch a great ET movie
fuckin' showoff ^_^
im gonna go home after work and fall asleep -_-
i'm not sure about the day but in the evening i am planning to drink beer and play gears of war 2 on 360 with my homie,and yeah,the graphics sucks ":D". and gonna drink some vodka mixed with orange juice and smoke some cigarettes brought from egypt (they taste like shit,not as hevenly as in finland ;/)
Work, food, work, sleep.
Pump thennerd it out all day with my new computer :D
tithadesh insti :D
hope that means hf with something new :D
OMFG you are fucking right :DDDDDDD
how did you know?
just figured, thx :>
dunno yet, probably parteyyy ;o
weed study weed study weed study weed study weed sleep
at first work, then at home. buy some stuff for my home. repairing stuff will be done at weekend., party tomorrow, tonite only bit pokernite i guess and having fun with my bf
i've been awake since 4 o clock and i studied then i went to the swiming pool and got my self relaxed be4 final exam in physics and now im just in school finishing the day off and after school i will go for the town and buy LOTS of alcohol and food and go to the summerhouse me and my mates rented and Parteyyyyyyy untill monday :D
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