Flying to Amsterdam?

Is anyone flying to Amsterdam next Thursday?!

If so, at what time and when are you taking the train to Enschede?
i'd be willing to bet that maybe 70,000 people are :x
I will stand there waiting for all those 70000 ppl and let them believe world war III started and that the only safe place is at the crossfire challenge 5 bunker @ Enschede!

How much do you pay me ?
Couple of blows to your head in the hope you won't post shit like that again.
You are not allowed to laugh as you look like a fuckin ETA terrorist.
I am, but why would I be taking the train to Enschede, I'm going to Den Haag
Don't sure me, you're coming too aren't you?
Good idea, packing dem bagz.
He won't see it coming. Make sure you remember the Konata dakimakura
Are you giving away signatures?
h4ck3rs un1t3d
make sure u eat a 'kapsalon' @ Ahbie
yes, but i dont want to go with u
guess so
So werden sie von jeder Frau vergoettert!

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spammails ftw oO
try with UFO's,they have promotion is this part of the year.
do u have something against ufo's? I think they are much smarter than u tard ;p
and i wonder why people say that polaks are stupid.end of conversation.
Check the top sticky on the forum....
Is there any airport in Poland???

Im just kidding :p
yes but u can gtfo
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