Need coder..

need someone who can code CMS or HTML and a designer for 25€[/b]

would be nice if the same person could do both

contact me at #aurora-gaming

Seems you didnt understand Arachon mensage... You are using a clanname that already exists..
1st i dident had any idea about that, 2nd i dont give a **** about that, 3rd thx for telling me.
Why would anyone do that if there's money to be made with that stuff.
maybe its their hobbey or something, who knows maybe their are angles arround here
How can there be such a big gap between the few articulate and bright Brits on here and other ones?
you do know that there are lots and lots of CMS open sourced & free and shit

im working with tikiwiki atm.
for €25 are you mental ROFL
mmm how much would it normally cost?
shitloads for a good one
Depends, bet there is guys that would do it for free or for a small amount just to add the work to their portfolio. ;-P
25€ =Ddddddddd
need somebody to teach me Java :<
why ? =( iam learnin this shit @unviersity and its quite useless =(
im also learning it at university and thats the problem. My teacher speaks with another language i suppose cause i cant understand shit :D If not 'Thinking in Java' i'd fail completly :(
hmm compared to visual basic / pascal and other shit you learn at school i kinda think that java is really easy .... we got "introduced" to java with BlueJ .... simple to handle
i wrote bigger programs in vbasic before but java is just something else :P + its hard to learn alone (as i said, my teacher is no help at all :<). I also use BlueJ :) Its rather im not used to object-oriented programming, I prefer structured programming. I find it kinda hard to switch from one to another without messing commands :D
ye we worked with delphi in school ... could be a reason..
heh might be :)
well visual basic and pascal are both not really good examples as they are both relatively easy as well if you compare them to C for example. I don't really like Java myself but if you get a job as a junior Java programmer it's not uncommon here in The Netherlands to earn around €55.000 a year, which is quite much for someone just starting a career!
and thats main reason to learn it xd cash ftw!
we are getting forced to learn it ... IBM is influencing the education system here =(
cms for 25€ :DDDDDDDDDDdddd
€25 D::::::::::
For all the "25€ :DDDDDD"-ers, there are lots of people who make open source CMS-es for free.
For threadstarter: get one of them open source ones!
if you want something professional and good .... you wont find some1 who is investing time in a random useless 2 weeks espot project.
Maybe if he planned to write something like that anyways and he gets to GPL it afterwards, but yes you have to search quite hard to find that guy :P
500€ pm me. ok
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