football journal The FA.

Well so evra as got a 4 match ban and 15k fine for reacting to a chavski ground staff who racially abused him, Its funny how the FA have got it in for manutd. lets see...

In a preseason friendly tournement, Rooney and scholes got sent off, Rooney for fuck all.

Both recived a 3 match ban in the prem. While in the exact same torney a few years previous, Gerrard and Niel mellor for liverpool Both got sent off, and recived no ban?

how come when Terry brought down Jo earlier this season, by wrapping his arm around his waist and pulling him to the ground, the FA saw to it that he faced NO PUNISHMENT. This meant Terry was available for the United game the following week.

When Terry tried to take a red card out of the hand of the referee’s hand at Old Trafford last season, he faced NO PUNISHMENT.

And how come when Adrian Mutu Failed his Drugs test because he tested posistive for cocaine he recived a 7month ban, yet rio ferdinand failed to show upfor a test, but offered to return later that day recivied a 8 month ban

meny other examples...
Man Utd fans are fags
oh yea and finiish football is really on the up!
Doesn't change the fact that Man Utd fans are fags.
fuck off the F.A have it in for united. look how many decisions go in uniteds favour, you ve had what, 2 penalties against you at old trafford in 4 years? the mendes goal that never was, the list goes on. a man utd fan can never complain about the F.As conduct because you get every decision your way, just like arsenal (when dein was there).

oh and btw, mutu got 7 months because eh took a drug that doesn't enhance his performance and didn't tr to cheat his way out of a drugs test. rio missed drugs tests before that and this was his final straw.

you've got every referee in your back pocket at old trafford and you want sympathy apart the minuscule of decisions that don't favour you? get the fuck out.
Was about to post something similer mate well in :p
I perhaps agree that Man Utd do have decisions go there way during a game, especially at home - but this is pretty much standard for the big 4 teams.

The Rio Ferdinand saga on the other hand was a complete farce, as performance enhancing drugs stay in your system longer than the 2 days he missed on the test - it was predicted it was more likely he had been smoking some weed, which is far from performance enhancing, yet his punishment was severe.
Agreed the Rio saga was ridiculous but it was all a publicitiy stunt by the FA and Rio was made an example of. Simply put, no matter who it was or for what team, as soon as a top footballer was in that position then the FA would have done the same.
Like the pen we never got at old trafford in the fa cup last season against portsmouth
you picked out ONE bad decision at old trafford, seriously thats all you can come up with? talk to anyone outside the top4 and they will tell you about the 20 they've had this season. buck up, man u get all the decisions and have it easy.
This is a grim argument for FA bias. If you're looking for football injustice then take a long hard look at the Italian equivalent.

Listening to a 'Man Utd fan' hark on about how hard done by he feels 'his' team has been is fucking hilarious.
Agreed, How the fuck any supporter of a top four team can moan about FA being bias against them is beyond me. Think the people need to realise 90% of the time the FA is bias towards them.
You didnt knew when a team wins the PL the following season the FA tries to make it a bit harder for that team?

Pls quit posting stupid subjective opinions like this in a journal
fuck FA, United will win it anyway, like always
the FA don't want UTD to win the EPL, they're stupid fuckheads.

oh yeah, don't forget to add drogba's 3 match ban ONLY for throwing a coin to the fans and telling them to fuck off.
3 match ban for rooney might be harsh, but it's not nothing. and you can't really compare it to others, perhaps the FA turned into dicks in general
Who cares, it's United. Let them get all the fucking bans they can get!
agree with Sp3aker

U noobs don't have to whine about the FA because u get like 99% of the decisions your way and still your complaining about those 1%, lolol.
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