
What's everyone having?

Think i'll have;

Waffles with grated cheese over them
image: 1704102893_159d482e2f


Strawberry Milk

image: strawberry_milk_shake

corn flakes and toasts :~>
Rissole, with cheese and assorted seasonal veggies.
cant afford to eat breakfast
kebab with french fryes and orange juice.

/i can't post anymore pictures?? :-'[
image: teawurst
image: 1330
image: kaffee_BM_Berlin_Pa_334981g
look like army breakfast ^^
Smarties and i think i gonna make a toast
i will make you one meight
but give me czech :(
oh if u are so horny on them, fly on your rocket into prague then!
image: 150px-Md620

5 minutes to lunch !
is there where all the hotties? :D
image: 1124-nakkari-lahikuvassa

1 piece


image: purkki_10vitamiinia

a glass
2 croissants with nutella & some good drink :))
croissants :DD ^_^

fatty :D
i love em :< and i dont get whats wrong in being fat??
being fat is a disease !
good that im not fat then oh may goad!
I just ate marsepein from Sinterklaas
I ate ne grote speculaas xD
I wonder what jetro got from his sinterklaas!!

image: kaas
haha /strijk :DD
new etpro guid
nothing so far. just woke up...
i never sit on the computer before i eat :(
:o but i need music when i stand up!
and now i had shower, and now a coffee... ;D
and still no food? :x

are you one of those 'ewww i need to maintain my figure' ?:D
nah i just dont eat much. nothing to do with my weight cause i can eat what i want. i still stay thin ;)
fast Metabolism? :DD
me too :~>

is it weekend in germany?
or you still have work?

its weekend here but im thinking about to work.. :/ dunno so far..
well there are weekends for a reason
to rest :(

and what is a rest without the song im uploading atm xD
wtf thats hebrew :x

sholi xD
now muesli with fruits!
i have no idea what you just said but i forgive you cuz you are blonde with blue eyes !
oh u dont know cereals?!
after google it i know how to prenounce it xD
sure i know what it is
but saskia :(
breakfest is the most important meal of the day
i eat both cereals+2eggs in a giant bread :D+hot jew coffee+some vegtebles ^_^
and more, cheeze and stuff :<
and im only 18
but but i did it always like that. we had no big breakfast at home cause we all had always to hurry up ;)
its not an excuse !
i bet im in more than a hurry then you and i still manage to eat good meal :>
its all about how you plane your day :(
but then again i need to be in your boots
just try to eat good or else
or else??

nah ill try rly....
when i work in my mother workplace
you know there are ppl over 50 there that go from their home to the working place by foot?

every day !
its 20 km every day thay wake up at 5 xD
and they have time to eat, they have time to play with their kids ^_^
they have time to go to shows :D

you know my friend ask me how i define an old man, so i told him when a person cannot run anymore

and he told me "my father said that old man is only in his personality? and not in age or physicly ^_^"

me myself wake up everyday at six and go to the beach to run and train :D
then i come back here at 9 or 10 and spam all day :DDD

or else i will...
well im just a chaos girl :p
and i love it like that cause im happy, still have time to spam sometimes, time for my job, time for my cat, my family, my bf just my friends.. i see them very seldom atm cause most r busy with studying n stuff..

but im happy as it is, although i could live more healthy
you should

i want you to be here more 20 years so i could spam you more xD
haha ill stay here for a while i guess. as long as et wont die and i still have fun to spam and chat with some nice ppl nooo not u!
i dont want to be nice !
nice guys finish last !!!

now listen to my song i upload for you or else!....
i cannot open :o
you will see a red countdown :(

brb food xD
image: toast

image: fryupDM1311_468x304 - Tomatoes

image: cup_of_tea_with_spoon-764610
oh yes, there's nothing better!
Muesli + skimmed milk
skimmed ;-)
Creatine+Whey then coffee with honey :D

45min later I eat 4 eggs, 1 full rest just the whites with ham or potatoe pattys + fruit, orange etc. Or cereal without milk and some chopped fruit, bananas apples etc.
Or I make waffle like thingies with marmelade. Drink = Tea or water :o
Vn die mariakes me pikenieken en boterhams me chocolapeeties en koffie
if i would say this this i had a lot of replies. if men does its normal :/
welcome to crossfire
looks delicious! Me and sup3r ate 'sinterklaas' donuts lol
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