new pc stuff

since mine is dying soon. it seems at least.
i want to order new pc hardware, a friend of mine helped so i dunno...

no i dont need the uber pc cause im using it only for some games like et, cs, quake, music, movies blaaa.

intel core2quad q660
transcend DIMM 4GB DDR2-800
MSI P965 Mainboard
Arctic Alpine 7 pro
western Digital 500GB
Straight Power BQT 450W
MSI N260GTX graphiccard

thx for ur useful advices...

edit: sup sup with vista? do i has to use it when i change my hardware???! :o

random song:
shoutout2mybuddies and the rest ;D
if you're not going to use it for uber stuff then just take 2GB ram (like i did) unless you're planning on running vista, then stick to 4gb. Not too sure about the processor.. maybe it's better you take a dual core? since quadcores still are not fully integrated. gl
im using 2.3gb atm
its enough for the things me do.. its just the motherboard what is extremly old at my pc
do you use vista if not you have a problem :P
why? cause i dont want to upgrade to vista but i heard that they dont sell xp anymore. but i still use xp. cant me just put xp on the new stuff??!
xp should only use 400-800mb ever i think, vista eats ram and you using 2bg or do you mean you have 2gb?
q6600 =fail. And this GPU is way too overpriced!
si si this helps me.. :/ name better stuff then
since u need it for old games like cs and et, E8400 is more than enough.

I would go for some ATI graphic card but then u should change the mobo too. (not sure though)

not really
wtf? its the only quad which is worth the money...
yeah, cpu sux, others are ok

@schnee if you make these hardware threads during the day or at weekends, you're going to get a lot of shit responses. Actually my advice is monitor the "Who's Online" section and wait for the Israelis to disappear, and then post
send her a pm then u little twat
you could save me the time and not try and troll her
oh superhero... save crossfire please.

that cpu is still shit in price/quality
it's the best value for money processor available right now
its the cheapest quad core avi, and the best quad for OCing, one of the only different between this and the others are the clock speed, which u can OC and easly outperform others
you are much more nice on irc D:
no it doesnt
no i dont need the uber pc cause im using it only for some games like et, cs, quake, music, movies blaaa.

MSI N260GTX graphiccard
transcend DIMM 4GB DDR2-800

its a NASA computer
a friend of mine whos a freak is playing all new games i dont. and he said he just added the stuff he is using

me has no idea!!
i got my new pc 2 weeks ago , and i'm also not planning to play ubergames but i can still run new games. if you want my advice for a processor , take intel dual core e8400 or 8500. and a gfx card.. try sapphire hd4850, great quality , low price. the only shitty thing about it is that it heats alot but besides that it's great equipment
Change the GPU cooler if you're so worried about the temperatures. We all know that ATI stock cooler are not that good.
hope your friend gonna pay for those expensive stuff
i pay the half of the price so its ok
in that case take his nasa computer, but change motherboard to gigabyte :o)
and power supply to corsair AND add some cooling :o
isnt this the cooler? Arctic Alpine 7 pro??!
well there are many types of cooling
cooling on your proccesor and others parts D:

so i talked in general
now reply in my journal cuz i replied in yours
done and thx..
now reply to my long pm
Intel c2d e7200
ATi hd4850
Corsair 2GB 800mhz
Corsair 550W
WD 640GB
random case + random optical driver

will do the job
seems a lot better

and upgrade E7200 to E8400 if you want somthing better + random rad for OC
bet she won't even try to o/c it. And agree that E8400 would fit into that more as 7200
And just say no for msi mainboards. Like their laggy and buggy bios works...
+1, had enough bad experience with them, i switched my p5-neo for gigabyte(no that i had a choice for an other mobo, but its MUCH better)
Gigabyte's are just the strongest imo.
I has MSI mainboard and GPU, no issues.
get a laptop
im trying to get a laptop from my job but i still want a good pc beside ;)
both>* :...!
#BeringenMijn >*
we agree at this point ;)
but I do not find you there.. wo bist du?
<ger> ach was weiss ich, ich geh jetzt shoppen </ger>
specs @ my profile
complete pc + vista + screen 470e or smth.
can look for the shop if ya want!
looks good imo, still the advice guys up give you is good to if you playng only et css.+ for zeh muzic
maybe ill play next year other game depends on what they realease. ;) last games as etqw, crysis or cod i just dont like ;)
i dont like it to ^^ i read you pay only half of price so take it :) and rtcw2 coming <(^^<)
yes yes hopefully it will be a nice game
hi schnee
go to acom [uhlandstraße -hab ich mein auch her billig und jut ]
here you can found some completsystems special for gamers .....
where's the trusted onlineshop certification??
dunno but you can trust ...its a big shop
they sell alot pcs every week i know the shop since 2 years or so
and never got any problems.............
kk if you say x)
jups :) trust me..........
keep the Q6600, the only duo i find is decent is the E8600 which costs too much atm compare to his brothers, which i dont like...
and take 8800GT / HD4850( i dont know much about this card) instead of 260GTX, its more than what you need and 8800GT can handle up any games currently avi
8800's are old compared by the 4850 and 4870.
care they are still a beast and worth the money
Yes and I like the Catalyst Control Center much more.
im happy for you
- take a core2duo, not quad = E8xxx
- the chipset of your motherboard is not that good, take P35/P45 = Asus P5Q Pro
- 260gtx graphic card is USELESS, unless your playin on 40'' monitor = take a 9800gtx or ATI 4850
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