the mental state of the et community.

this is just sad.

Cybergames, this hacker came online pwning everyone with 80% accuracy , thousand headshots, etc.

so at first he got kicked all the time, but doesnt really matter since he just reconnects.

then he started renaming to other players on the server and called the vote himself, this prick managed to nearly empty the server of all the clean(er) players since everyone is too retarded to use his brain (just a little bit)

ofc i suggested using /pb_kick 12 in console, oh well 3 peeps followed me, one typed it in main chat.

don't get frustrated if u get owned by a better player
Since pb is fucked up and players playing on "high" level are cheating, I don't really care anymore. They gave a bad example. And those who are still clean +1
oh even i remember good old times :( when cheaters were playing on pubs everybody was going spectators waiting until he leaves :[
now that's so different :[
well, nowadays you would be spec all the time then ^^
lock teams, problem solved
what's your point?
that people are generally retarded :)
ET and retards :OO? how would anyone come to that connection!
dont play on cybergames, problem solved.
you are 4 years, 4 months and 12 days too late :(
i don't play often ,so I don't care :D
dont play on servers without admins or refs ............................
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