helps me!!!111

its like this: i met a cute girl who broke up with one of some guys i know like one month ago.. last week we spent a nice time together in tha club and so on.. on friday we met again but she was like emo coz her ex was at the club too and she spent her time talkin to him... it was fucked up tbh but she wrote me that she was sorry and its hard for her as it isnt that long ago since they broke up. shed like to dance with meh again and told me where shed go on saturday... now i didnt write back and just went there... she was there and it was ok at first but then her ex appeared with his new gf (lol!) and she was like omg omg whine again -.-... now im kind of pissed off and i dunno what i should do!
write her that i can understand her n stuff or just dont write her at all? :<

thx <3 :<
well im sure this nerd site is full of experienced lovers who can share loveboombastic hints :D
ignore her she will do the same if not get her drunk abuse her and tell her yes all men are assholes
be unfriendly. works with most women, sadly.
but WHY dammit !
because they are women :D

sup m8
hey hey hey
its only 7am !

come vent someday its been a while :)
i had so many situations like this, with girls and their ex/BFs. I've come to the realisation that you either have to not care and just be friends. Or you have to really go for it and just be honest with her, or she will just be hanging on the border, leaving and going back to him all the time if you don't do something about it. 1 Month is plenty of time to start somethign new.
wow you really are slow, DO IT. What are you waiting for :D
take advantage of her while shes vulnerable :Xd
because its all about the sex, right?

no no, now srsly, depends.
what do you want to have between you and her?

edit: dont you have real friends to discuss it with them? =SXD
be patient and try to be with her all your time, and talk to her about all these things. more bravery man!
If you want her ignore her for a bit, that usually works :>

[e] having a bigger penis then the ex helps as well :;D
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